Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Top 6 Results Show – RECAP

April 29th, 2011 by Cait -> · 15 Comments

Oh my gosh people, it’s the American Idol RESULTS. Well, actually those were last night, but I had to take a quick snooze so I could be awake for the Royal Wedding… and here I am, still awake JUST FOR YOU. Be appreciative. Kay? So, here’s my recap of the results, and all that other stuff in between. =D

Contestant Party Time!
The contestants went to a Royal Wedding party… or did they actually go to the United Kingdom? I have no idea. I was so confused by this. But, they had fun, and got to talk to a lot of people who noticeably had no idea why they were there. Aha. And on their way out of the event they were all saying “Adios”… someone remind me that if I’m going to the UK, or talk to British people, I should pick up some Spanish. Wtf? [Read more →]


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Voted Off Idol 10: Who Was Voted Off American Idol 4-28-11?

April 28th, 2011 by Jebbica -> · 53 Comments

Voted Off Idol 10: Who Was Voted Off American Idol 4-28-11?

Who was voted off American Idol April 28, 2011? One will go home tonight, and we will be left with only 5! Will it be Jacob? Scotty? Haley? Let?s find out together!


Check out the results live below, and leave your thoughts in the comments!


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