Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Top 6 Results Show – RECAP

April 29th, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 15 Comments

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Oh my gosh people, it’s the American Idol RESULTS. Well, actually those were last night, but I had to take a quick snooze so I could be awake for the Royal Wedding… and here I am, still awake JUST FOR YOU. Be appreciative. Kay? So, here’s my recap of the results, and all that other stuff in between. =D

Contestant Party Time!
The contestants went to a Royal Wedding party… or did they actually go to the United Kingdom? I have no idea. I was so confused by this. But, they had fun, and got to talk to a lot of people who noticeably had no idea why they were there. Aha. And on their way out of the event they were all saying “Adios”… someone remind me that if I’m going to the UK, or talk to British people, I should pick up some Spanish. Wtf?

Group Performance!
Oh god, why? WHYYYYYY? American Idol has to know people hate the group numbers, yet the still make these contestants embarrass themselves by lip-syncing and dancing around like headless chickens. Or maybe I just want to chop their heads off when I see them do this crap? OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! Anyway, this was apparently a tribute to Carole King and all that good junk.

Ford Music Video!

“Our house, was our castle and our keep … Our house, in the middle of out street.” I can’t get it out of my head. Oh well, I guess it’s better than Gaga being stuck up there. They sang, “Our House” (which would be better if it said ‘Out House’).

Guest Performance!
Season 8 runner up, Crystal Bowersox came out to perform “Ridin’ On The Radio.” I can’t say that I miss her, and I was seriously wishing she would have gotten rid of that mop on her head. However, it’s good to see her out and about. She’s more famous than Lee DeWyze. She also brought her Lucky Bong Microphone.

Idol Questioner Time!
Casey Abrams gets asked with whom he’d like to duet most, living or dead, and says he’d like to duet with the great jazz pianist Oscar Peterson because he admired “his chord structure” and “musicality.”

Jacob gets asked when he discovered the range in his voice and says it happened in church choir practice when he was about six years old.

Lauren Alaina got ask what’s the hardest thing about being an Idol finalist? Lauren says the hardest part was not being able to reach family in the tornado zone this week. She says she is “sending out love to everyone who lost someone” in the tornado’s this week.

Ryan mumbled something about all their thoughts being with the families of victims. Like he was embarrassed he’d forgotten to mention it at the beginning of the show.

Scotty McCreery got asked if he has had a job: he’s worked at a grocery store and helped out his mom at the local tanning salon. And, yes, James Durbin has played in bands before “Idol.” And Haley’s past “Idol” favorite was Adam Lambert mostly, but she mentioned a crap load of other people I don’t know.

Haley was my prediction to go home, but surprisingly enough, she didn’t even get tossed into the Bottom 3. She was safe.
Scotty – Bottom 3.
Lauren – Safe.
Casey – Bottom 3.
Jacob – Bottom 3.
James – Safe.

… now, they left these guys hanging for awhile. Greaaat!

Guest Performance!
The man who catches Grenades, Blades and jumps in front of Trains for no apparent reason came to perform his new song, “Lazy Song.” I’m 98.5% sure it was pre-recorded. It’s a cute song though, much better than blowing himself up for a girl who just tosses his crap in the trash.

Jacob is safe, so it’s just left down to Scotty and Casey. Casey Abrams is voted off Idol. He went out with a bang though with singing, “I Put a Spell On You” – kissing girls, dancing… all that good stuff. I wasn’t really that bummed about it, I was however bummed that Jacob didn’t go home instead. I wonder how many times his 2 fans had to vote?

What do you guys think? leave your comments in the comment section below. And check out .Идея за подаръкикони


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15 responses so far ↓

  • 1 BJ // Apr 29, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    U nailed it. Jacob needs a tailor. He must go home.

  • 2 Saaa // Apr 29, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    too bad, casey was my fav :(

  • 3 Sarahhh! // Apr 30, 2011 at 12:42 am

    I can’t believe Scotty was in the bottom 3, he is my absolute favorite. Jacob deserves to be booted. Casey; on the other hand; is very talented.

  • 4 Paul // Apr 30, 2011 at 2:01 am

    In a strange turn of events Jacob Lusk’s voters outdo James Durbin to win American Idol Season 10! Don’t believe it? Watch . . .

  • 5 Carol Reaby // Apr 30, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    I am really disappointed that Casey was voted off. It really does have a lot to do with song choice. I think he was the best artist of the Idols. I now hope Hayley wins but I think the Winner will be either James Durbin or Lauren as they appeal to a younger audience. I am a big fan of Hayley’s. I am in Australia and didn’t know the result until I read this page and am pretty upset about it.

  • 6 payton // Apr 30, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Just an FYI, they were saying ‘cheerio’, not ‘adios’. As far as the rest of the show, as soon as Jacob and Scotty go I’ll be fine with however the final three spots play out. Casey should have outlasted those two but it’s no surprise many people just don’t get him. Scotty should have been gone long long ago. He’s a decent enough singer but is nowhere near the caliber of these other contestants and if not for the teenage girls going gaga over him he wouldn’t have a vote.

  • 7 Wizzles // May 1, 2011 at 9:53 pm

    I don’t get it! I thought Jacob should have gone home too. He has an amazing range and a powerful voice, but he’s just not an interesting singer/performer. Haley drives me nuts—I can’t wait till she leaves! Of the 5 left, I’d love for either James or Lauren to win. Scotty’s ok, Hayley’s growl makes me want to flush myself down the toilet, and Jacob is just not it. Anyway, those are my thoughts…

  • 8 Wizzles // May 1, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    It’s too bad about Casey–he really was the only TRUE musician of the group. In one light, though, he was almost too good for Idol. People just couldn’t handle it:)

  • 9 Wizzles // May 1, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    He probably went out with the most grace though–and the most fun! He is amazing.

  • 10 Deb // May 2, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Seriously, who ever wrote this article, DIDN’T watch the show! Ryan clearly said the results were in NO particular order. So was Scotty really in the bottom, I don’t think so.

  • 11 Tigger // May 2, 2011 at 8:23 pm

    how many times to we have to clarify….Scotty was not in bottom three….just presented that way by some idol agenda it appears…truly unfair…..although even idol (Seacrest) has offered official clairification that the contestants were called in random order…that Scotty wasn’t necessarily in bottom three…However, I think idol realizes quite well, the msg they sent since many on net have commented on Scotty as being in bottom 3…seems to me as if IDOL has agenda…can’t believe they are that oblivious to what they portrayed.

  • 12 Tigger // May 2, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Hey Deb…good to see another voice of reason…missed it before.

  • 13 payton // May 3, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    You two missed the point of ‘random order’. That merely meant that they called out the contestants in random order to let them know if they were safe or not. The bottom three were the ones with the lowest votes, nothing random about that. Scotty was in fact the contestant with the second least votes and in the bottom two.

  • 14 Cait // May 4, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    I’m 90% sure he’s going home this week. And if he doesn’t, that means someone good went home which is totally going to bum me out.

    Oh how doubtful I am. =D

    LMAO! Does she really annoy you? I think she’s cool. But, I bet being stuck with her in that house might be annoying as hell. I bet she likes to have the last word in everything.

    And thank you to the rest of your who redundantly told me crap about “no bottom 3″ I really didn’t care about.

  • 15 julie // May 5, 2011 at 9:19 pm

    crap why did casey abrams have to leave dam i wanted to make out with that sexy man

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