Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 9 Hollywood Week Round 2: Group Day Recap

February 11th, 2010 · No Comments

If ever there were a confusing episode to try to summarize, Group Day during Hollywood Week is it.  Ryan Seacrest called it “Hell Week”…for me too, Ryan. For me too.  I had to compare notes with Liz’s live blog, Cait’s recap, and Brian Mansfield’s entire blog just to make sure I had everything down right.  [...]


Tags: American Idol News

American Idol Hollywood Round One Recap 2-9-10

February 9th, 2010 · 1 Comment

You can see a full live account of events on Jebbica’s post, but here’s my two cents on the first two days of American Idol’s Hollywood Week.
181 peeps (ahem, “potential American Idols”) made it to Hollywood week, where we FINALLY get some Ellen, and everyone is in Stage 2 of their journey.
It’s been a whole [...]


Tags: American Idol News