One of my favorite former American Idol contestants, Jackie Tohn, is back with her buddy to do some more Powerfox and Ponymane videos. I hope they do this every week like last year; that was the highlight of Season 9 in my opinion! This year they’re back with a tribute to the new judges, Steven [...]
Powerfox and Ponymane’s J-Lo/Aerosmith Mashup
January 19th, 2011 · No Comments
Tags: American Idol Video
New American Idol Judges Voice Their Thoughts
October 2nd, 2010 · No Comments
Well we know for a fact who our next American idol judges are going to be. That being Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson, of course. Now that we have new judges, what are their thoughts on it, and what kind of judges are they going to be?
Here‘s some things they said at a [...]
Tags: American Idol News