Oh yay, the contestants get to sing old-out-dated-songs. BOOYAH. Yeah, I know all you old people are like, “PFFFT THESE SONGS NEVER DIE”. Yeah well… John Lennon and Paul McCartney did. Oh, they didn’t? They must just look dead. Mahbad.
(EDIT) Apparently one of them is dead. OOPS.
01) Aaron Kelly
He sang, “The Long and [...]
Tags: American Idol Updates
Well, it’s that lovely time again… where the American Idol Contestants try to phail. I MEAN, sing.
This is the first week where they get a mentor. Or, someone who is a talentless, multi-personality’d, Disney Star… like Miley Cyrus. “Hey ya’ll, Manders and I are going to go play dress up!!!111! XOXO” *Says in Mileys’ fake [...]
Tags: American Idol Updates