“Change of Plans” tells about how things in life can change in a split second. Brooke plays Sally Danville, who finds out that her best friend from college died in an accident while with the Peace Corps. Then Sally has to take on her friend’s four kids, and three of them are from different counties. [...]
American Idols Brooke White To Star In “Change of Plans”
January 2nd, 2011 · No Comments
Tags: Brook White
Didi Benami “Terrified” American Idol 9 Hollywood Week Video
February 10th, 2010 · 2 Comments
Didi Benami sang a song by Kara DioGuardi called “Terrified” during the first round of American Idol 9’s Hollywood week. Didi is probably my favorite girl so far, even though she looks too much like Brooke White and sounds too much like Megan Joy to make it too far.
Do you think Didi [...]
Tags: American Idol News