Part 3 of Hollywood Week consisted of all these crazy wannabe Idols singing SOLO to try to prove, once more, that they don’t suck and deserve that American Idol Title. Ah, let the horror begin… or I guess it did long ago. Oops.
Here is my recap of American Idol Solo Round 2-17-11.
They started out talking [...]
American Idol 10 Solo Round Recap
February 18th, 2011 · 10 Comments
Tags: American Idol Updates
American Idol 10: Hollywood Week Group Night Live Blog
February 16th, 2011 · 193 Comments
Welcome to the February 16 2011 American Idol 10 live blog! It’s still Hollywood Week (which apparently lasts like a month on TV). This week is the group sessions. Last week Ryan ominously said, “favorites will fall, and new stars will emerge!” Or something like that. So maybe that means we’re about to get rid [...]
Tags: American Idol Auditions