Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10 Group Round Week Recap

February 17th, 2011 · 3 Comments

Did you guys miss me? I’m pretty sure you did. I know I missed me… wait, what? Aha. Look at me, talking like I actually have fans. We all know that’s not true. Oh well. A girl can dream.
Anywho, we all know it was Group Week. I was pretty excited for this, because I’m [...]


Tags: American Idol Auditions

American Idol San Francisco Recap 2-9-11

February 10th, 2011 · No Comments

Ahh yes, San Francisco California. There are a lot of stereotypes for that place. BUT, is talent one of them? I’m not sure. I seriously hoped, last night, that there would be some goodies. And if they’re weren’t… I was boycotting American Idol for the rest of the season. Oh, aha, we know that’s not [...]


Tags: American Idol Auditions