Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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Top 4: Haley Reinhart “Earth Song” – VIDEO

May 11th, 2011 by Cait -> · No Comments

Top 4: Haley Reinhart “Earth Song” – VIDEO

This week the American Idol contestants were singing songs by Leiber and Stoller. Lady Gaga was the mentor this week, which I’m sure was very cool for the contestants. I guess this evens out the oldness of the songs, with Gaga. Maybe she can teach them all how to ride disco sticks. Oh, whaaaaat? Haley talked to Lady Gaga last week when she performed one of her unreleased songs. So, I’m sure it was neat for her to meet Gaga. [Read more →]


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Top 4: James Durbin “Don’t Stop Believin” – VIDEO

May 11th, 2011 by Cait -> · 2 Comments

Top 4: James Durbin “Don’t Stop Believin” – VIDEO

This week the American Idol contestants were singing songs by Leiber and Stoller. Because apparently the Idol producers have this need to give these Idols crappy choices and make them sing songs that no one who was born in the last 400 years would actually know. Why do they do this? Hell if I know.

Lady Gaga was the mentor this week, which I’m sure was very cool for the contestants. I guess this evens out the oldness of the songs, with Gaga. Maybe she can teach them all how to ride disco sticks. Oh, whaaaaat? [Read more →]


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