Jacee Chipcoon Badeaux is a 15-year-old Lafayette, Louisiana native who auditioned for the 2011 season of American Idol in New Orleans. The judges seemed surprised by his performance of Otis Redding’s “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay.” It was soulful, technically perfect (if a little nasally), and the kid is (did we mention this already?) FIFTEEN years old.
Jacee Badeaux attends the Performing Arts Academy at Lafayette High School.
Jacee Badeaux has already gotten some props for his chops—he was a first tenor for Louisiana’s All-State Mixed Choir in 2009, and he (like any good southern boy) sings in the church choir at First Baptist Lafayette and got some attention when he contributed in last Christmas’s performance of Fantasia.
Jacee Badeaux is already being compared to Justin Beiber – teen pop sensation. Audiences are vicious, so they’re calling him “Chubby Beiber.” Jacee will likely grow out of his baby fat, but hopefully he won’t grow out of his voice, which is sweet and full of great tones and color.
We found another video of Jacee Badeaux singing with some friends in a local accapella production. Check it out.
Stay tuned for more news about this young would-be star as the season progresses. Will Jacee Badeaux be the next American Idol?
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1 response so far ↓
1 Idol-Mania-Eric // Feb 16, 2011 at 10:52 pm
Learn more about Chubby Biebs * Jacee Badeaux
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