Who got voted off American Idol – American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Top 5 “Now And Then” Results Show – RECAP

May 6th, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 9 Comments

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Holy crap! Is it vote off night on American Idol again? Why yes, yes it is. I mean, clearly you’re here to read all about your favourite show. Or are you here just to read what I say? I bet that’s the real reason. Either way, shall we get into the recap of the top 5 results show?

Your wish has been granted, let’s begin.

Idol Filler!
Mr. Idol himself, Ryan Seacrest popped out to give us redundant and useless information. I swear, every time he comes out, I think he says the exact same thing. He’s becoming Randy. But, anyway, he said 60 million voted came in Wednesday night. Whoever got the least amount of that must suck big time?! And hopefully it’s Jacob. I just want him to fall off of the Earth and dissolve into nothing-ness. Oh, too cold?

Ryan also promoted the judges… and what crap they want to sell. Really, I think that’s the only reason they become judges on the show. Except for Randy, he had nothing to promote. He’s just there to… actually I’m not sure. Moving on.

Ford Music Video!

The contestants got tricked into doing another one of these incongruous videos. These have never appealed to me. And I’m 98.5% sure no one else approves of these either. The song they sang in this video was “Be Yourself” while driving that new Ford car that can park itself! Which actually scares me because you know those become possessed like in the movie “The Car.”

Hell’s Kitchen Junk!
Well, the Idols got to have a bit of fun and go visit Gordon Ramsey at the Hell’s Kitchen. They were requested (politely, he didn’t yell at them) to cook an Omelet. Everyone’s sucked, except Lauren’s, in which she said, “We know how to do it in the South.” Jacob came in second place with what looked like projectile vomit puddled onto a plate. Yum! Then the Top 2 Omelet Cookers had to do a tasting test which Lauren also won. Jacob did say that he was fat, and what you’re fat, you know food. But, clearly he didn’t.

Guest Performance!
Lady Antebellum performed “Kiss Goodnight” and quite frankly, I vote for them to stay in the competition, because the Idols suck. If they were in the Top 3, I think that would make for a good show. Yeah?

Song Pickin’!
The Idols got little interviews about how they pick a song. Scotty made no sence with saying he picks his songs with a card deck. Haley puts notes in a hat, then puts that hat on, so they’re in her head. Oh, hilarious. -_-

Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm, I was less than thrilled with this episode at this point.

Some Results? NO WAY! (With Jimmy Levine’s Irrelevant Thoughts.)

James: Levine didn’t like the fact that James emotions got the best of him. James was sent to the far right of the stage.

Lauren: Levine thinks she should have been in the bottom 2, based on the night before. She was sent to the far left of the stage.

J-Lo Performs!
Oh, how nice of J-How-Low-Can-You-Go to ruin our results and pop out and perform her song, “On The Floor.” Which, can I just say is a very catchy song when you’re jamming out to the radio? Oh, and J-Lo looks seriously good for 45. Jesus. I hope I look like that. You just won’t see me in knock-off MC Hammer Pants.

More Results!
Jacob: Levine thought it was bad, and didn’t approve. Jacob was sent to go stand next to Lauren.

Haley: Levine loves it. Thought she did the best. Haley was asked to go stand next to James.

Scotty: Levine thinks Scotty with have an extraordinary recording career with an Idol Title or not. Scotty was told he was safe. But, then Ryan tried to make him choose the group he thought was safe. Only Scotty didn’t want too (obviously) so Ryan moved him to the far right where Haley and James stood, and told all 3 of them that they were safe.

That left Jacob and Lauren in the bottom. Poor Lauren was crying before any verdict was stated. Her doing that really did show her age. This make a good case for why lowering the “Idol” age limit this year was a bad idea. Let’s face it, most 15- or 16-year-olds, especially ones from small towns who’ve been told all their lives that they’re amazing and “The One,” cannot handle the pressure of a competition like this. Lauren would have been wise to wait until she was 18 to audition, when her emotional maturity finally caught up with her voice. That being said, it was not her who got the boot… it was Jacob Lusk who got Voted Off Idol.

As I sat there waiting for the dramatic emotional breakdown by Jacob, I was unpleasantly surprised by the fact that he actually held his composure and took it like a man. HA! Seriously! It bummed me out. I’ve been waiting for the day that he got voted off… but he failed to live up to my horrible expectations. Oh, the shame.

What are your thoughts on tonight’s results? A lot of people were rooting for Jacob to go home. Leave your comments in the comment section below. Haters are welcome. =D


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9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 tillurdizzy // May 6, 2011 at 8:14 am

    Glad it was Jacob. The other night when he sang Love Hurts, it dawned on me why he has been so bad the past few weeks. I was not familiar with any of his songs, and never could understand his lyrics. I thought it was just me. But when he sang Love Hurts, which I do know, I realized he leaves off the last consonant on about half of what he sings… Luuuuuuu Hurrssss… surprised the judges did not bring this up early on.
    He could probably have a singing career if he goes into gospel, but I really don’t see him mainstream.

  • 2 Alex Hirsch // May 6, 2011 at 11:29 am

    Jakob sang Love Hurts amazingly well, and blew Nazareth away. People need to stop with the nit picky bullshit and watch the artist, Jakob is a fantastic singer who over sings due to inner pain. He needs mentoring and he will be a long lasting force in the music industry. JAKOB GET AT ME for COLLABORATION.

  • 3 andee b // May 6, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    I have never been a fan of his. His voice is terrible. I wouldn’t even want to hear it in gospel, let alone anything else. I’m not sure where to start with my dislike of him…maybe it’s his girlish hips and thighs or his always made-up face. He tried out for the wrong show. I think he would have been better suited for Rupal’s Drag Race because one thing is true, he is totally a diva! I think he’ll be truly happy once he comes out of the closet and stop being on the “down low.” I mean really Jacob, you don’t have anyone fooled by hiding behind your religion. Just be who you are; an over-sized chocolate teddy “bear” who will only be good at one thing, dressing yourself in pretty bright colors! Go back to massage school!

  • 4 Shannon // May 6, 2011 at 5:33 pm


    Your comment is rude, insensitive, and derogatory. For some people, it just isn’t possible to act like an adult and keep things like Jacob’s sexuality out of the conversation. The blog was about the episode on 5/5, not how Jacob walks, talks, or lives.

    It’s pretty obvious that you have some deep-rooted issues that need to be dealt with appropriately.

  • 5 Wenla // May 6, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    next time honey,please stay positive.

  • 6 Paul // May 7, 2011 at 2:04 am

    The reason why I think Jacob seemed to take the “boot” so well is that he kept singing and dancing so he wouldn’t break down when the others hugged him. I think it was a cover up for his true feelings and as a performer he carried it off very well. And I liked it. I’m concerned about Lauren as you are. She is very emotional and young. Your comment about the age is a good one. Let’s make it 17, not 15. However Scotty would have had to wait. But he did some immature things in the early eliminations. It looks like James will win, with Haley and Scotty battling it out for second. I hope the Wednesday show is only one hour. I’m tired of all the bad fillers.

  • 7 lizz // May 7, 2011 at 3:12 am

    i hated jacob he should have been voted before most of the other ones

    im glad he got off

  • 8 Linda Barrier // May 9, 2011 at 8:36 am

    I am definately glad Jacob has left the building! There have been other more talented idols who were voted off,who really deserved to stay then Jacob! I say about time!

  • 9 Leena // May 9, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    I think it’s okay to be a bit nitpicky in a singing competition. I mean, I think pitchiness and consonants and tone are very important. Of course, I am a blind person and a musician so my perspective is quite different. I definitely think James will win. I think Lauren needs to let her voice show more or she’ll get voted off. She’s got to more confident. She just seems so afraid. The lowering of the age minimum didn’t make sense. I think 16 is fine.

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