That show American Idol again? WHY YESSIRZ! It was Carole King themed this week. Right… because these guys are all old enough to have any clue about anything she’s ever done. Actually though, it ended up being a pretty decent night. We also got what I think is our first winner prediction from Randy when he said James Durbin could win the whole thing. And I agree.
Here’s my recap of the night in sequential order. All are welcome to comment below! Enjoy!
Jacob Lusk | “Oh No, Not My Baby.”
“Judge ye not less ye be judged” courtesy of one of my lovely commenters… So, please do allow me to judge ye. I could honestly pull a Jacob review from four weeks ago and slap it into this spot and it would be completely relevant to this performance. I will admit, he did spice it up a bit. However, I just can’t stand him. And who else thought that he and Randy belonged in some All-Boys-Catholic-Gay-School? Ahhh, yeah! I bet he goes home.
Lauren Alaina | “Where You Lead.”
I was seriously wanting to light my face on fire when I saw Miley Cyrus… who came out and gave Lauren some lovely advice about haters. Hell, I could have told her all about that. But, I’m sure it was good for Lauren. Still. Lauren might be immature and playing dumb, but she’s very talented. If Miley performs tonight, someone’s face will burn.
Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart | “I Feel The Earth Move.”
Are they dating? I haven’t really been keeping up with the Idol gossip this year. Steven did make the comment of: “How in love with Haley are you… it shows.” I’m pretty sure if they had babies, they would be bears. Growling bears. Speaking of growling, Casey said he likes growling with Haley. OH SNAP!
Scotty McCreery | “You’ve Got a Friend.”
If this is Scotty really “going at it” then I’d love to know his definition of “going at it.” That being said, Scotty did do some new things with his voice. While I don’t think it was “going at it,” it was still an okay performance.
James Durbin | “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.”
I thought this would really suck. But, he did pretty well. The only thing I really hated about this was the fact that they kept zooming in on his mouth, and none of us really want to see those horrifying teeth.
Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery | “Up on the Roof.”
This wasn’t their best duet, but it was a sweet little performance. They sound well together but they don’t have the same chemistry of Haley and Casey. And what is it in Ryan making them feel awkward RIGHT before they were getting ready to perform? C’mon Ryan.
Casey Abrams | “Hi-De-Ho.”
I wasn’t a huge fan of his grunts tonight. It was all a bit weird. However, he still did good. I just have no idea what the song was about. Can someone enlighten me?
Haley Reinhart | “Beautiful.”
I really liked that Haley just sang this song without any gimmicks. It was time for her to relax the growling. I don’t think this performance was as strong as Haley’s the past several weeks. While it was still good, I think she shot herself in the foot with the song choice. She probably should have picked something more well-known.
James Durbin and Jacob Lusk | “I’m Into Something Good.”
Worst duet pairing ever. Actually, I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. It was just all very weird. Once again, I wanted to set my face on fire. However, I give them the benefit the on doubt because they had no choice. But, they both laughed hysterically when they found out they were paired up. OH, and then they rolled J-Lo’s chair out when she was wearing an extremely short dress. And worse, they turned her into the camera. Thank Jesus J-Lo had the art of lighting fast shielding. AH!
So, ya’ll. What did you think about all this stuff ‘n junk? Who do you think will be voted off idol? I say Haley Reinhart. She’s good, but a lot of people dislike her for some weird reason. Leave your comments in the comment section below! Haters will have their faces set on fire without mercy. Oh, too cold? I’m sorry!
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6 responses so far ↓
1 cheyenne stites // Apr 28, 2011 at 11:09 am
I wish it was Lauren going home. I really liked her at first but she tries to act like Kelly Pickler to much…..c’mon be youself
2 tillurdizzy // Apr 28, 2011 at 11:38 am
This is the first year I’ve ever watched, and now only because Steven Tyler is on… hey, I’m 50 yrs old… he was one of my idols 30 years ago!
It seems to me the judges are being way to nice. I’d like to see a bit more real criticism. Steven especially seems to glower look disinterested during the performance, then just says it was beautiful. I was never a J-Lo fan, but I’m impressed with her insight and music knowledge. I was expecting more of a diva-airhead.
OK, so the contestants. Really impressed with Jacob in the beginning, but just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Would not be disappointed to see him go next. Casey is so talented, but I grow tired of him quickly. I see him with a career as a producer/arranger rather than a performer. Scotty is so awful to watch it burns my eyes. I have to close them and just listen, and there are some great moments, but overall just an average country singer. I might think differently if they let him sing actual country songs instead of “countryfing” Carole King and Motown… he can go too.
I like both the remaining girls. Haley is sexy, sassy and has a great voice, but is really suffering from poor song choices. I think she has a lot of potential we havn’t seen yet. She needs some guidance. Lauren… its easy to forget how young she is, so considering that, I go a little easier on her…she needs a little more maturity I think to be really awesome. Plays it too safe right now, but I like to see her stick around a while longer.
James is my favorite an my pick for the winner. To get that your girl vote that voted Pia out though, he will probably need to sell-out a little and do a few songs for them… don’t know what that would be though.
So to wrap up, I hope either Scotty or Jacob go tonight, and I’d like the final 3 to be Haley, James… and either Lauren or Casey.
3 Cait // Apr 28, 2011 at 3:45 pm
I agree. She’s kind of getting annoying. But, I think that a lot of people like that… -_-
OH WHOA! Nice comment. That’s better than my article.
I’m 16 and I was totally stoked about Steven Tyler joining the judges panel… and I’ve been watching Idol since the second season. I always thought he was kind of toughish, but now he’s just one big mangina. He’s still cool, don’t get my wrong, but now Randy is all of the sudden this BAAAAD guy. And J-Lo, she’s way cool than I thought she would be.
I think I like your top 3. I just really think there’s a good chance Haley will go home, because her time on that stool is just about up.
The winner for my will be James or Lauren. I just hope if Lauren did get big, she wouldn’t get sucked up into the hole of fame.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
4 Paul Andersen // Apr 28, 2011 at 5:09 pm
I got tillurdizzy beat. I’m 68! When James sang the Shirelles, “Will you still love me tomorrow” he was into my music era. I thought he did it better than the original. The only part that bothered me was the beginning. Watch the video. He should have done a guitar strum between each sentence. The rest was great. . . and yes I agree, less teeth shots would be much appreciated. I read the on-line AI vote-fair poll and you can only vote once. As of the first 1000 votes, James is first, followed by Scotty. Lauren is third. That leaves Haley, Casey and Jacob in the hot seat tonight if the poll is accurate. However, we know you can vote for your favorite 50+ times. So it’s all a Pia disaster every week. And I thought James and Jacob sang OK together. It was a closed eyes evaluation though.
5 Jebbica // Apr 28, 2011 at 8:15 pm
tillurdizzy, you hit the nail right on the nose with your comment…for the most part!
6 tillurdizzy // Apr 29, 2011 at 8:07 am
So Casey is gone. Everybody has been a good sport about losing (they probably get very strict instructions about that!) but Casey seemed downright happy about it. I’ll be that boy has already been promised a record contract, and was perfectly fine with not going any further. Paul seemed to have the same attitude. Mission Accomplished, lets get on with it. Good luck to him, no doubt we will be hearing more.
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