Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10 Top 12 Boys Perform – Recap

March 2nd, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 2 Comments

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Can I hear a “w0000000000t w0000000000t”? Why? American Idol is ONNNN, yo’. Like, Ligit. Okay, enough with talking like Randy. Seriously, the competition is on now. All 12 boys performed and got to show the world what they had… or in some cases, what they didn’t have.

Pancait here is going to give you a recap of the night and some of her snooty opinions for you to comment and tell her she’s wrong on. Anyway, on with the show.

They started off the show with Ryan trying to not sound rehearsed while he went back and forth with the judges. Man, I bet he really does miss his man Simon. I know I do. Sheet. They introduced the judges, and obviously Steven Tyler was the one with the most acknowledgment by the audience. Psh.

Finally, we got to the contestants.

Clint (The Lint) Jun Gamboa
| “Superstitious” by Stevie Wonder.
This Harry Potter knock off was the first of the night. Meaning, he got the pimp spot. Wait, does this mean they think he’s good? His voice was okay, but I just can’t stand looking at him. Who thinks he looks like a Wii character? I don’t know… but he looks fake. Ugh. The judges liked it… Well, I’m assuming Randy did, I have no clue what he said, but sometimes I’m too smart to understand him. Meh, he can go home.

Jovany (Chippendale Wannabe) Barreto | “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain.
My Mother and I were having a discussion during his performance… she seems to think he will get votes based on his looks. Um, EW. I think he’ll get votes based on…. Oh wait, he won’t get votes. Steven and J-Lo thought it was fabulous, and Randy thought it was “very karaoke”. I agree with the Randers.

Jordan (Douche Bag) Dorsey | “OMG” by Usher.
Oh. My. God. What. The? Okay, first of all. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but just because you’re black, and a guy, does not mean you have the epic moves of Micheal Jackson, Usher, or hell, even Justin Bieber (I’m aware he’s white… then again, so was MJ) Kay? Not to mention, when you’re 9 freakin’ feet tall and skinny. You look like a flaccid pole that’s just swaying in the wind. Having said that, the judges weren’t fond of it either.

Tim (Unmemorable) Halperin | “Come On Over” by Rob Thomas.
Perhaps even more tragic than Jordan’s pelvic thrusts was Tim. Way to ruin a Rob Tomas song buckeroo. But, in other news, what was up with his side burns? I don’t think Nikki Minaj would have anything to do with those. The judges were not huge fans of it either. Ah, yeah, he can go too.

Brett (Red Apple) Loewenstern | “Light My Fire” by The Doors.
Was he attempting to be sexy? I think so. I was waiting for Willow Smith to pop out singing, “Whip My Hair” then her and Brett could Duel Hair Flip. Amazing. But, anyway. The judges seemed to like it even though it was far from fabulous. However, I really do like Brett. And I just want to be his best friend. I think he would be a good guy friend. BE MY FRIEND BRETT!

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James (Adam Lambert) Durbin | “You Got Another Thing Comin” by Judas Priest.
Ya’ll (Jebbica) hate all you want, but I lurve him. He may not have the best vocals, but he at least has some personality when he performs and isn’t boring. He seems to be a bit of a show boater too. Which may, or may not turn people off. The judges loved him. Yay.

Robbie (Hook-Nosed-Jewish-Joker) Rossen | “In the Arms of An Angel” by Sarah MacLachlan.
That song made me cry once. Robbie made me cry, but for a completely different reason. I was crying because I could feel myself aging quickly while listening to his performance which seemed to go on forever. I was just sitting there like, “Don’t let it stop at the Crows Feet… just let me die.” Perhaps I’m being a bit dramatic, but it sucked. The judges liked it though. Meh, whatever. He’s still cute.

Scotty (McTestosterone) McCreery | “Letters from Home” by John Montgomery.
This dude is good at what he does. Do I think he will win the competition? No? But, if he can get picked up outside of the comp, he’ll be set. The performance was pretty good. I bit boring, but I don’t expect him to pull a James Durbin. So, he was one of the better ones of the night. Also, the judges liked it.

Stefano (Who?) Langone | “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.
A Bruno Mars song? Fo’seriously? I can’t stand Bruno Mars, and I can’t stand Stefano. I mean, it wasn’t horrible, but just so boring. And did I mention it was Bruno Mars? AHHHHH! The judges loved it though. Because they obviously don’t hear what we hear through the TV. There is no possible way.

Paul (Pearly Whites) McDonald | “Maggie May” by Rod Stewart.
This wasn’t bad, but he sounds so much like Rod Stewart, that it was weird for him to sing one of his songs. Like, you couldn’t help but compare them. However, he was another good one for the night. The judges also liked it. And J-Lo said, “You’re wearing all black, but when you smile it just lights up the whole room.” Which is completely true. I love people with unnaturally white teeth.

Jacob (Supermegafabulous) Lusk
| “A House is Not a Home” by Dionne Warwick.
I have nothing bad to say about this guy. I just want to go to whatever Church he goes to and watch him do his thing. Because you know he does. And that would be awesome to see. Also, the judges loved it too.

Casey (The Beast) Abrams
| “I Put a Spell on You” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.
This sexy beast (or not) didn’t have an instrument, which bummed me out. Ah well. He did okay. I still like him, even though it wasn’t his best. The judges liked it too.

Holy crap. The night actually went by pretty fast, which made me happy. And I was surprised how many of them sucked. But, I will give them the benefit of the doubt because it was their first night that they were up on stage performing.

What dd you guys think? Were you happy with what happened? And who do you think will be voted off? I would like to hear you thoughts. So leave a comment below.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow night for the Live Blogging.

Cait Hagar


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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 BeckEye // Mar 2, 2011 at 10:23 am

    Actually, the last spot is the first spot. The first spot is usually the spot of doom. Usually, whoever goes first is forgotten by the time voting starts. Especially if that person is a lame karaoke host who looks like a bespectacled badger. Bye, Clint!

    I actually thought Durbin and McCreepy were good last night, too. What’s the world coming to?

  • 2 Eric Gehler // Mar 2, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    Excellent and LOL’s all around recap!!

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