Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Vegas Round Recap

February 24th, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 3 Comments

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This nights American Idol episode might have been the worst two hours I’ve ever seen of the show. I swear to god it’s not an over exaggeration. Apparently, the point of this whole show was because they had SO MUCH talent this year that they needed to drag this crap out longer. So, they sent them all to Vegas (which is fabulous and all) to sing in duos and trios. Basically like Hollywood week, only in Vegas. WHAT THE…? Obviously this week was singing the songs of the Beatles. Whew. Some of the contestants were going to have difficulties because they have somehow managed to live through their life without hearing a single Beatles song. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

I’m going to try to assemble a recap based on the jumbled mess that made up this episode. So bear with me here people.

First to start off the night (I think, I tuned in late) was these two young chicks, I think one of them was Thia Megia that totally sucked. Even their Vocal Coach From Hell thought so. She even said, “You are going to die. I will be watching you croak, and when they ask me if I have done this, I will say ‘HELL NO’.”

James Durbin and Stefano Langone | They sang, “Get Back”. I though Stefano sucked majorly. Like, why was he even on the stage at this point? And James (despite was Jebbica says) IS AWESOME. Yeah, not really. I’m just stoked to see another Adam Lambert… only James isn’t as freakin’ amazing. They can both go home.

Pia Toscano and Myspace Karen Rodriguez | They sang, “Can’t Buy Me Love”. It was okay. They know how to perform. And that’s what J-Lo liked about it, she thought they “really understand what it’s like to be a performer.” Well, that’s great. I think Karen needs a comb, she be lookin’ like Medusa.

Jacob Lusk, Haley Reinhart and Naima (HairyPits) Adedapo | They sang, “The Long and Winding Road”. This Jacob dude freaks me out. I mean, he’s good at what he does, but I’m just not used to all the things he does with his voice. It’s something I’ve never heard before. And I don’t like new things… *poker face*. The judges were okay with it all.

Tim Halperin and Julie Zorrilla | They sang, “Something”. I thought these two were cute together. Why? Because they both played piano, and seemed to actually want to sing with each other. I think they did a really good job. The judges liked it too.

Jerome Bell, Lakeisha Lewis and Tatynisa Wilson | They sang, “I Saw Her Standing There”. I loved Jerome when I first saw him back in the auditions. Whew. He’s cute too. But, anyway he and Lakeisha did well. But I’m not too sure what was up with that Tatynisa thing. She should have been thrown off the stage. The judges were also not fans of her. Oh, feed her to Siegfried and Roy’s Tigers.

Paul McDonald and Kendra Chantelle | They sang, “Blackbird”. This was a decent performance. Paul is definitely unique. But, he comes off weird, too, like Jacob. He sings with his teeth or something. It’s just odd. But, nonetheless, it was good. I think Steven has the hots for Paul.

Lauren Alaina, Scotty McCreery and Denise Jackson | “Hello, Goodbye”. Oh Jesus. Although I appreciated Scotty McQueery’s attempts at something out of the box… (The Dr. Who looking teleportation phone box thingy) it was not that great. I mean, they tried to throw in some choreography, and spice it up but it was all weird. But, at least we know Scotty can learn a different song.

Ashley (Newlywed) Sullivan and Sophia Shorai | They sang, “We Can Work it Out”. Don’t these two together just like two psych patient escapees? I think so. They both look nuts. And they both sounded horrible. If I had to pick one, it would be Sophia.

Casey Abrams and Chris Medina | “A Hard Days Night”. Why did these two have the desire to pair up? What made them think that Casey’s powerful voice, and Chris’s weak voice wouldn’t clash? Need I say more? Bleh.

Robbie Rossen, Jordan Douchebag and Aaron Sanders | They sang, “Got to Get you into My Life”. The only one I liked was Robbie. Just because I like him in general. Who doesn’t love a Jewish looking, Joker Faced, Hook Nosed dude? The rest sucked. Really! And Jordan… Oh don’t even get me started.

Then it was time to cut the 61 to 40. The most notable contestants cut were Carson Higgins, Molly DeWolf, Caleb Hawley, Denise Jackson and Ashley Sullivan (at least she got married while she was there).

Now we go on to Part Two of tonight’s train wreck. The building of the Top 24 and almost NO footage of the Top 40’s solo performances…

So here’s who made it and who didn’t so far:

Naima Adedapo – Yes
Holly Cavanagh – No
Lakeisha Lewis – No
Alex Ryan – No
Clint Jun Gamboa – Yes
Haley Reinhart – Yes
Deandre Brackensick – No
Paul McDonald – Yes
Ashton Jones – Yes
Chris Medina – No

Yes, you read that right. Chris is out. He was an almost-certain Top 24 and Top 12 contender. I mean, Jennifer Lopez completely broke down over it. It had to be a producer’s decision.

Stay tuned for tomorrow night as the rest of the Top 24 is revealed.

If you would like to see the Top 24 Spoiler

Cait Hagar


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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 BeckEye // Feb 24, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Caleb Hawley’s ousting was just tragic. But that’s what I get for picking an obsession so early in the season.

    Also, J.Lo has already cried more this season than Paula did in 9 seasons.

  • 2 jennifer // Feb 24, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    Jennifer Lopez is the judge who knows the word. Holly Cavanagh should never have been sent home. She could have been the next Carrie Underwood. So she is a little innocent looking? She was never pitchy, had great pipes and TONE. Not scratchy like the judges who kicked her off.

  • 3 Jebbica // Feb 24, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    Did you just mention Dr. Who? I love you.

    And yes, last night’s episode was excruciating. I liked that weird-looking kid I call Kona, the black-ish one with blond hair and blue eyes. They should have kept him around. Tonight’s going to drag out like nobody’s business.

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