Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10 Hollywood Week Recap

February 11th, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 5 Comments

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Hollywood Week. HOW EXCITING. Were you guys excited? I was. We have only had a freakin’ month of Auditions, JEEEZ!
Of course we all know how this work, but here’s a rundown. The contestants come out in groups of ten, sing acapella, and get no feed back until they are all done. Bummer!

Brett Loewenstern was the first they showed. He’s my Moms favourite, so she was excited… His nerves seemed to be getting the best of him, which was just making me nervous. Because, I figured that might make him fail. They obviously showed his sob story again. Meh. He wasn’t really that good. But, I wanted him to stay, and so did the judges.

Ryan said half of the contestants were going home. AHHH!

Rachel Zevita, Thia Megia, Casey Abrams, and Victoria Huggins all sang… or kinda. Not quite sure what Victoria did. Danced around the stage doing some “choreography” sounding like Miley Cyrus. OH MY GOD, this girl freakin’ annoys me. Needless to say, everyone in this group made it, except Victoria. That’s okay though, “everyone in North Carolina is proud of her, she’s their Idol, ya’ll.”

Why did this show not go in order? They need to make it “writer friendly”… because I’m pretty sure this article makes no sense.

They showed the two parents of the competition… James Durbin and Paris Tassin. Paris sang a Celine Dion song, and sounded a lot like her, which is gross. And James just screamed. But, I think I love him. He’s like Adam Lambert, only not quite as cool, but that’s okay. That both got told yes. YAY!

Stormi Princess and Lauren Alaina also performed. Stormi really is a pretty girl; she should stick with her looks for now. She stormed up a whole bunch of suckness. Lauren kicked major bum, but we knew she would. She’s awesome, and 15, which is awesomer. Stormi didn’t make it, but Lauren did. W00t w00t.

It was early Idol Favourite, Chris Medina’s turn. Steven asked him how his wife (whom was in a car wreck) was doing, and Chris seemed to be flattered by that. I wasn’t impressed with his singing but, he made it through. I think the judges just have a soft spot for him… Is it bad I think he’s going to just become an Andrew Garcia? Arg!

Day 1 is over. Alas. And as the contestants rolled in for the next day, guess what they were in? THE NEW FORD FOCUS. Whew. That’s our new Idol car this year.

Everyone’s nerves seem to be getting to them, obviously. They showed a whole bunch who couldn’t get their words together, or started crying. I mean, what are you people crying for? It’s not like you won. Baha, nah, I’d be crying too. And puking… and everything else you could think of.

Hollie Cavanagh is the one we all hated in the auditions. She was reminding me of that when she was getting nervous. Oh, my, god. I wanted her to just suck it up. She sang, along with Jacee Badeaux, Robbie Rosen and Steve Beghun. They all made it, except Steve. He still thinks he belongs on stage though.

Then they showed some beautiful Idol moments of people forgetting their words, sounding like Justin Bieber, getting cracky voices… sounding constipated. You get it.

Ooh, oh, oh, the none-couple, Rob and Chelsea (they need the same last name) are still here. They were paired up with actual-couple Nick Fink and Jacqueline Dupree in living spaces. Aha, apparently it was all very awkward for Rob. SUCKS BRO! I wonder what Chelsea’s boyfriend thought about it. Hmm! Rob sang, and it was okay, Chelsea sang, and I was okay… Nick sang and it sucked, Jacqueline sang and did better than her boyfriend. They all made it, except for Nick. AW! Poor him. That’s okay, because he begged for it. No really, he begged for a second chance. That is the most annoying thing ever when they do that. I don’t think him and his girl will last long.

Oh god, then they showed people who were singing the same songs they did from the auditions. Arg! That’s also annoying. But, apparently it worked, because out of the ones they showed, they all got by with doing it and have made it to the next round. That consisted of, Scott McCreery, Jackie Wilson and Jerome Bell.

Next up, the chick with the stars for boobs, Tiffany, and Travis, the shelter kid… guess who makes it? STARY STARY NIGHT. Are you serious? This chick makes it, and Travis doesn’t? Hey Idol, GTFO. Travis is pimp. I guess that’s what I should have expected. Because she’s sick of seeing all these people TRY to do what she CAN do.

Clint somebody, and Julie somebody made it through also. In all, 168 people made it. And next week is Group Performances. OH, these are always exciting.

Sorry people, for this being completely all over the place, but, it was hard. Blame Idol. I did what I could.

What are your thoughts? Who was your favourite?

Leave your comments below.

Cait Hagar


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Tags: American Idol Auditions

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 // Feb 12, 2011 at 7:34 am

    I was so happy when Robbie got through! He’s definitly my fave! Yay!

    And I think u recapped it a little better then I could have. Lol

  • 2 Sharis // Feb 12, 2011 at 10:06 am

    Did Aly Jaydos (or Jados) get to the next round? She sang Come together/Dream On for her audition. They showed her for like half a second when she had trouble controling her nerves.

  • 3 noeme // Feb 14, 2011 at 8:54 am

    we all (as in the family) wants Travis Orlando to make it up to the top 168 but he didn’t.. We feel sorry about him.. really :(

  • 4 Jebbica // Feb 16, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    I liked Travis. :( They’re getting on my nerves because they’re keeping some people on just because of their stories, even though they’re not that good. Like the guy with the messed up fiance. He’s not that good. Hollywood week is really hard to recap and live blog! I mean, what do you say? “Here’s what happened. So-and-so got cut.” I’ll be glad when it’s time for live shows and voting!

  • 5 lori // Feb 16, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    oh oh.. I just saw JWS… ahhhh…

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