This week American Idol went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Home to Danny Gokey, of course. Which is everyone’s Hometown Hero there. Wow. Obviously not much talent comes out of there?! Oops. Sorry all you Danny Gokey Lovers.
Quote by some random lady “We don’t have an accent here; we just like cheese and beer.”
New life motto, even though I’m not from there.
To start off the auditions, this lovely duet couple named Steven and Randy sang a horrible rendition of… well, I’m not even sure what. Ugh.
Here are some of my opinions of the American Idol 10 Milwaukee Auditions. This is going to be extra Snarky, just for Jebbica. I tried to be nice this year, for you whiners out there, but screw it.
Scotty McCreery | This was the first of the night. And you knew he was going to be good. They never start out with the crappy ones. Idol doesn’t want their devoted watchers to completely loose hope instantaneously. Anyway. This dude is 16 but has the voice of someone who has been into puberty for far longer. He sings a Josh Turner song, and sounds exactly like him. He seemed cool, and obviously got the golden ticket. He won’t make it on Idol, but I bet Josh Tuner will adopt him and he’ll be successful.
Joe Repka | This sexy beast was a real winner. I knew when I first saw him, that he was epic. That’s right; I judged the book by its cover. I WENT THERE. Sue me. I’m not quite sure what was up with him, but I do know he had a very strange hand gesture the whole time. It was some weird, Craig Ferguson thing. But, on a side note: “Toledo’s KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY 100 *weird hand*.” Mhm. He sang a song by Billy Joel. Needless to say, he wasn’t good and didn’t get the golden ticket. But Steven thought he was good. Aha, wtf?!
Emma Henry | A SCENE KID/HIPSTER! W00t. I was excited. Because I loved her hair, it was like, a really bad dye job. Which is what my hair has been lately. So, bad dye jobs FTW! She said music is her life. Funny she’s only 15. But, whatever. She drove with her family from Colorado, after just getting her permit. Um… isn’t that illegal to go over state lines with a permit? Maybe not. She sang a Cyndi Lauper song. The worst song of them all, “True Colours”. She was a liiiiittle suckish. But, there was something I loved about her. Also, J-Lo said she would get swallowed up in the competition, and I agree. She will. But, it may be good for her.
Naima Adedapo | AKA Ms. Hairy Pits. Now, after seeing her, and the whole hippy vive she put off, I know why she doesn’t shave. But, c’mon lady. It’s national television. Anyway! She was/is a janitor for Music Fest there in Milwaukee. She sang Donny Hathaway and actually had a really good voice. The judges gave her the golden ticket. Which is a good thing, because if they didn’t, she would probably put a spell on them. Oh now, that’s not nice.
Jerome Bell | Hello Wedding Singer. Ahh, as soon as he said that, I was terrified as to what was going to come out of his mouth. I had hopes though, because he looked civilized. That’s always a bonus. Ryan was talking to Jeromes’ Mom about singing, and she said she only sings in front of “little people” and then Ryan said, “I’m little”. Yo’ that made me LAWL. Sorry! He could sing the high notes when singing a song about getting it on. You know what that means? OH, too far. My bad. He did get the golden ticket to Hollywood. I think he’ll make it a ways.
Thia Megia | This cute 15 year old girl did an Adele song. And because I listen to Adele and like her a lot, I wasn’t a fan of the way she sang “Chasing Pavements” but, nonetheless, she had a cool voice. The judges liked her, and so she got the golden ticket to Hollywood. I don’t think she’ll make it very far, but she’s cool.
Nathanial Jones | This Civil War Reenactor sure knows nothing about personal hygiene. Did you see that crap on his face? C’MON MAN. Him and the Hairy Pits Lady would be great together. He jumped right into and said his Dad is NOT a hippy, that hippies believe in doing… stuff. Ah, well. You’re Dad is just, ZZ-top? Is that better? He sang “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” which is the worst song EVER. However, he really didn’t do that bad, at least for the song. Steven said he was good, just not for the competition. Baha! Obviously, this dude didn’t get the ticket. Damn!
Molly Swenson | Ding ding ding, we have a winner…at life (as Jebb said). How lovely. This girl went to Harvard, and is now an Intern at the White House. But, she’s throwing her life away for American Idol. Oh what the hell is wrong with you? She is pretty, smart, has a cool job… *Envy*. ANYWAY! She did have a cool voice. Nothing wonderful, but it was still good. And not to mention, Randy Jackson punched her in her grill. Bahaha! She got her golden ticket… YAY!
Haley Reinhart | Her curly blonde hair was amazing. And she was SO cute. She seemed to bring a happy energy with her into the room. She tried out last year, but didn’t make it, as the judges thought she needed to work on her singing. But, she did, and when she performed “Oh! Darling” it was really good. She got the golden ticket. W00t!
Steve Beghun | I’m sorry. But this guy totally sounded like Kermit The Frog when he sang. In other news, he is a wedding, and funeral singer. And he thinks weddings are more fun! OBVIOUSLY he has only been too boring funerals. The judges loved him, me not so much. But, he got the golden ticket to Hollywood. Good for him. No more boring funerals. Well, for now.
Vernika Patterson | Ms. Sassy Pants. She sang a morbid version of “Loving You”. The judges obviously thought she sucked. But, that’s okay. This girl can defend herself. It’s just because she’s not skinny enough, HUH? Um… no hunny. Simon Cowell isn’t there to judge you on your weight. =D
Scott Dangerfield | MY FAVOURITE GUY THUS FAR! Oh, this guy is freakin’ adorkable. With his hair and glasses. What guy isn’t cute with glasses? OH WAIT, Danny Gokey. Sorry. Although the guy would like us to believe he was making out with girls backstage, and that’s why he had red lips, we all know the only girl that’s ever kissed him is his Mom. Oh well. He got a golden ticket, and I am so happy. He’ll be my Tim Urban this year.
Megan Frazier | OMG GOPACKGO. PACKERS FTW! IWearUglyClothesAndLoveThePackers. Yup! That pretty much sums up this chick. I mean, what was actually up with her? I believe she was on some SNORT of substance. O_O – she sang “Baby”… only did her rendition in an Opera kind of way. Oh right, because she needed to be more annoying?! Yeah, she didn’t make it through, but she took it like a man, and proudly pranced out of the judges’ room screaming PACKERS. Someone needs to PACK something in this chicks face to shut her up.
Alyson Jados | Wannbe Steven Tyler Groupie! She seemed cool. She sang “Come Together”. Which was kind of good. But it wasn’t my favourite. I just liked her. Because she was spazzed out. She got to hug Steve, and even ruined one of his songs… but he was hesitant to let her go through. He did say yes, and she got the golden ticket to Hollywood. She won’t make it long.
Chris Medina | He was the last of the night. And the last sob story… even though we didn’t have that many. Only, his story was legit, and really sad. I almost wanted to cry. His gorgeous wife was in a car accident and now suffers from brain damage. He sang “Breakeven” which is one of my favourite songs. Because I adore the Script. He did well, but wasn’t that fabulous. The judges of course put him through. He does have a Facebook Fanpage already. I hope he doesn’t turn into Andrew Garcia.
Tonight we’ll be going to Nashville. I hope they have a crapload of talent there. Or, a crapload of crappers. Because this night was BORING! Bleh! Nothing to work off of here. Psh.
What did you guys think? Who was your favourite?
Cait Hagar
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5 responses so far ↓
1 Jebbica // Jan 27, 2011 at 8:52 am
I think after reading this post, that you and I are sisters from another mister. Or, if you and Liz had a baby together and it came out to be this weird kid whose age was in the middle of you guys, it would be me. Or something. One zillion “likes” to this post.
2 BeckEye // Jan 27, 2011 at 11:37 am
“Sorry all you Danny Gokey Lovers.” No, no…it’s them who should be apologizing to the rest of the world for being so damn ridiculous.
3 Joe // Jan 27, 2011 at 1:32 pm
Alyson Jados hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s got a lot more to give than this audition, im so stoked!
Chris was great too! Overall, a really great episode.
4 Joe // Jan 27, 2011 at 1:33 pm
PS: Nice article. thanks!
5 CaitHagar // Jan 27, 2011 at 9:54 pm
I think you’re on whatever Megan Frazier was on. Isn’t Liz old enough to ALMOST be my… Oh, I shall not say. -_-
But, interesting concept you have there. OR MAYBE, Eric just knows how to pick ‘em.
I’m coming over to your blog an commenting. You have some funny crap! Seriously. Baha. But, I was sure I was going to get some haters for that one. Damn!
Yeah, she was pree cool. =D
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