Oh-oh-oh, some awkwardness might be happening in American Idol. I know you are so interested and can’t wait to find out what it is. Well guess what? I’m going to tell you. Bahaha.
J-Lo may be judging her ex-husband. Haha, well, I’m sure she’s done plenty of that. But, supposedly her Ex, Ojani Noa wants to try out for American Idol. He’s planning to be a contestant at the show’s first audition in Los Angeles. Holy crap, how’s that for some awkwardness?
As confirmed by Noa’s manager Ed Meyer, not only will Noa be trying out, but, to make situation even more awkward for everyone, he’s going to perform a J-Lo song. Oh that’s just amazing.
I’m assuming he’s doing this for a reason? Perhaps marring her didn’t make him famous, so he thought he would just try out while she’s a judge and not only embarrass her, but most likely himself. I bet he can’t sing worth a crap either, or he’d be famous by now.
Although, who knows, maybe he’s the long lost epic singer the world’s been waiting for.
However, having said all that… He is 36 years old, which exceeds the Idol age limit by 8 years. So, maybe they will through him out to make room for all of the Justin Bieber wannabe’s.
But hey, this could make having ‘Lopez on the show more interesting. And maybe I’d actually want to watch if I thought there would be some weirdness with her and her Ex.
As Cobra Starship says: “S-C-A-N-D to the A to the L-O-U-S, can’t handle it, can’t handle it.
Damn, that girl she’s scandalous.”
I hope she is.
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Cait Hagar
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