Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol Top Three 5-18-10 Recap

May 19th, 2010 -- by Cait -> · 2 Comments

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As we all know, it’s down to the end of American Idol. Well, almost. We have 3 left, and they all suck. I MEAN, they’re all hoping to be the winner… Obvious much?

Here is my recap.

Who think Randy needs to stop trying to BOO Simon? Everyone loves Simon, face it Mr. Rogers.

This week, the contestants got to pick any song they want, and then the judges pick something that they think would be suiting for them. The judges always suck at picking songs for them. I’m assuming Kara would LOVE to pick one of them to sing one of her horrible, Miley Cyrus, inspirational songs. OMG!

We have a Goat, a Dread-locked Chick, and a Paint Salesman. How… Freakin’… Exciting…

Casey (Flames) James
He sang, “Okay, it’s Alright with Me” by Eric Hutchinson.
I think he actually sounds more constipated than Lee when he sings. You’re gone dude…. Oh wait, you’re not. Well, d.a.m.n.i.t YOU SHOULD BE! If Ellen had a son, I picture him looking like Casey. For some reason. Simon compared him to a salad. But, let me just say, I’ve had some REALLY good salad. Casey was more like… Liver and Onions. Disgusting!

Crystal (Powersox) Bowersox
She sang, “Come to My Window” by Melissa Etheridge.
She sounded a little off! I found it really weird when the song started in the middle; I think that might have been what threw people off. If she got to sing that whole song though, I think she would have done really well. Because that was fitting for her. Who thinks she was a bit nervous too?

Lee (Bee?) DeWyze
He sang, “Simple Man” by Lynard Skynard.
I’ve never really heard LS, but my people seemed to think he sounded allot like him, and it was a good song for him. The judges loved it, and Ellen compared him to a Lamb. Um… no Ellen. That’s Casey. Anyway, round 1 went to Lee.

Then it was time for the judges to pick the songs for the contestants.

Casey James
He sang, “Daughter” by John Mayor – Picked by Randy and Kara.
John Mayor is horrid, and so is Casey. The 2 of them together. NOOOOO! Make it stop! I didn’t like that at all. The judges liked it, only because they feel like being nice to him. I swear.

Crystal Bowersox
She sang, “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney – Picked by Ellen.
I basically thought she screamed through the whole thing, but she did way better than Casey. Ellen thought it would be a good song for her because it would push her… The judges liked it, and Simon was happy with Ellens’ choice. Meh… I liked Crystals’ outfit this time. She had anther awesome shirt.

Lee DeWyze
He sang, “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen – Picked by Simon.
Who thinks this song is so overdone? It seems like it’s done 400,000 times during the auditions, and just as many in the actual competition. C’MON. I was hoping he wouldn’t do as good as my little Timmy Urban. But, he totally surpassed Tim. Noooooo! This sucks. And so do the contestants.

Lee is def the best right now… and I’m almost certain he will win. Hopefully Casey will win though, because that would be a sucky winner, to a sucky season. YES!

What are your thoughts? Comment!
Cait Hagar


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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 H // May 19, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    you’re so funny! love your comments on the contestants. i totally agree- this is one of the suckiest seasons ever.
    anyway, i think lee will win too…he looks the most like an American Idol

  • 2 Jebbica // May 19, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    I see you’ve joined the dark side…yes! Velcome, to the dahhk side dahhlink.

    Tim Urban’s ghost ftw.

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