Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol Top Four 5-12-10 Recap

May 13th, 2010 -- by Cait -> · 6 Comments

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American Idol Results? Why yes, of course. A recap of the show? Duuuh. Here is a recap of the Top 4 Results Show. Enjoy!

So, basically the show started out with a weird introduction, which I really didn’t understand. Who got that? Anyone?

Ryan of course had to talk to the judges that we really don’t care about. But, then he introduced Past Idol Winner, Fantasia Barrino. She sang “Bitter Sweet” from her new album. The whole performance was annoying as all get out. Her hair was in her face and she sounded like someone was murdering her. Oh my god. She has nice teeth though. Oh, and her daughter is now 9. Wow.

They showed the Ford Music Video. Big Mike makes those little Fiestas look like toy Cars. Haha!

Ryan talked about that if they make it into the top 3, they will get to go home and be able to see all their fans and have a HUGE party (as we have seen in previous years). And, if they don’t make it, they get to go home too, only no one will care. Muahaha! Lewzar!

The contestants got lined up, and got to say a few words.

Big Mike: He can’t wait to see his puppy, and family.
Crystal: Wants to play a gig with her base player.
Lee: He wants to go home and spend some time with his family.
Casey: Wants to hear people say “Ya’ll”.

So, what did you get out of that? That Mike wants to see his puppy FIRST, and then see the family.

Ryan then sent Casey to safety. NOOOOO! How dare you Ryan.
Did we get to see what was going to happen to the rest of the contestants? No! Because Daughtry performed his new song, “September”. Which he then said has personal meaning to him; it was about his Summers, as a kid.

Ryan sent Lee back to safety after that. THANK GOD! I was worried he would be going home.

Jon Bon Jovi preformed “Superman”. I’m more of a Spiderman fan, myself. But, to me they just sounded a bit off.

All fun and games aside. Who was going to get the boot? I was hoping it would be Mike. We were all hoping it would be him. AND IT WAS! Yes! Finally.

His baby girl is so cute (in the ugly baby kinda way). AWWW!

Crystal, Lee, and Casey will get to go to their hometown, so we’ll be seeing that next week.

What did you guys think about tonight? Comment!
Cait Hagar


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Tags: Voted Off Idol

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Anna // May 13, 2010 at 6:33 am

    How do you not like big mikg he is awesome!! I can not blevie he got voted off!

  • 2 Jeanne // May 13, 2010 at 7:14 am

    I got the feeling that Mike was basically aboard for the ride and that he was nonplussed about getting voted off. He comes off as a real professional, and Idol has been a gig for him. Mostly, he already was voted off once, so yes, he was riding this wave (LOL Big Mike surfing), prepared to go home all along.

    So, y’all, did you happen to notice that Mike and his sweetheart have a newborn baby? Basically Mike is a real professional who is going to continue to get great gigs, probably get a recording contract, and watch his young family bloom. That’s not bad. Good job, Mike! Can I tell you the truth? I realized that I liked his vocals better than Ruben Studdard. Why? There was more authenticity and more character in his vocals. Ruben’s “just” a fantastic vocalist, Big Mike however has his personal stamp on everything and its a stamp I really do like. (Fantasia Barrino? She’s still coasting on one great performance years ago, “Summertime”, and we’ve been waiting for that magic to return every since – where’s it hiding?)

    So, y’all (this is for Casey :-) why is it that Casey didn’t go home? Because we’re keeping artists that can play and sing. And because Mike was gonna go home weeks ago. First we got rid of budding talent who were not yet professionals (aka had good moments and baaaaaad moments) like the darling Siobhan Magnus. Then we started sending home true professionals who could hit it right every time, but didn’t play an instrument. Now we have three serious professionals with their own style, great, consistent voices, and who can play.

    I’m sort of done here. Y’all, Casey is going home next week, only because Lee and Crystal are each phenomenons and there’s no beating them. I have a feeling Lee will win, but only because he gives off an aura I feel of The One Who Will Win. Yet Crystal deserves this win completely. Personally I have heard her originals, and I love them, and I love her. But I love Lee too, so I’m basically done, so thrilled to see great talent, great vocals, great musicianship up there at the end of American Idol. I so wouldn’t watch Idol if it were a karaoke contest – there should be serious talent at the end of that rainbow, and this season, by Jove, there is.

    This has been a great season.

  • 3 CaitHagar // May 13, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    We all have different taste in music. Whether it be, R&B, Rock, Techno… etc. Some people don’t like the sound of Big Mikes’ voice. Like me for instance. But, allot of people obviously did like him. Or he wouldn’t have made it as far as he did. =D

    I think I like you. Haha! That was the best comment I’ve gotten all year. I love it when people have something to say.

    I think Big Mike was really hoping to get something with Idol. I mean, he does have a little family. And I think he was wanting to do something good for them.

    I agree with you about Lee, Crystal and Casey. They all do play instruments. And I think this year, people are really into the Cool, Calm, Guitar players (did that make sense?).

    Thank you for stopping by. You put my post to shame. Haha!

    Cait Hagar

  • 4 ras // May 14, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    fantasia was the best thank you

  • 5 Rook // May 17, 2010 at 9:41 am

    Yeah.. I like Fantasia too.

  • 6 shelly // May 18, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    IDK..I wanted it to be Big Mike and Crystal at the end!! I have been voting for them since the begining!! I love Big Mikes personality also his vocals!! He is a Romantic!! Crystal is a natural Woman with a lot of talent! Ilove them both!! I havent voted onece for Lee or Casey!!

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