This is my favorite part of the whole darn show. Time for American Idol to RUIN someone’s hopes and dreams. YES! Just my thing!!!
Of course, they’re not going to just tell us who went home. They’re going to drag it out with a few crappy performances by PAST Idols, and maybe a few (or 50) commercials.
Kara’s husband was there this time, only to keep Casey James from filing a “SHE VIOLATED ME” lawsuit.
Oh, dear gawd. The contestants lip synced to themselves with the song, “American Boy”. Boy, did I ever miss THOSE fabulous performances.
They dramatically dimmed the lights for some people that I forgot even were a part of the show. Annnnnd out of the top row, the bottom two were, Katie Stevens and Janell Wheeler. Miss. Boring AKA Janell Wheeler got the boot. I was seriously impressed with her graciousness though. She was really sweet. Sorry Jebbica, your girl is OUT! Muahaha!
Allison Iraheta sang one of her songs, “Scars”. I like that song. It’s kinda emo and depressing. =D – Her hair was epic too.
Oh, here we go again. Dun, Dun, DUUUUUUUN!
Bottom two of the bottom row were, Ashley Rodriguez and Didi Benami… Ashley got the boot. And UNLIKE Janell, she was not as gracious. Instead, sort of rude about it. Guess she’s not as great as she seems to think.
Tyler Grady in a bathrobe?! Yeah, um… no thanks… Moving on!
More with that dramatic lighting thing they love so much. Oh no. My boyfriend Tim Urban was in the bottom. And he looked like he was pooping himself; that must have been why Joe Munoz had a weird look on his face. Ooooh, no that’s because HE was in the bottom also. MY BOY IS SAFE! See you later Joe Da Jockey. Say that ten times.
Kris Allen sang… Wow what a lame *I MEAN* bootiful performance. I do admit I listen to Kris Allen sometimes. Don’t judge me. I said don’t judge me. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
But, he was doing it for a good reason. If you buy, “Let It Be” by Kris Allen on iTunes between now and tomorrow. 100% of the proceeds will go to Haiti. And after that, the cash will just go to the Idol Gives Back Charity.
The bottom two now for the boys is… Bathrobe Boy (Tyler Grady) and Alex Lambert. NOT ALEX! We all liked him , but I didn’t vote for him, because I was to busy voting for Tim. =D! Tyler gets the boot, and then whines after words.
I find great joy ‘n’ watching people gets their dreams shattered. MUAHAHAHAH!
What did you think? Leave your opinions and stuff in a comment. I need some different insight. K GO!
Cait Hagar
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7 responses so far ↓
1 Jebbica // Feb 26, 2010 at 1:18 am
Janelle was never my girl! I just thought she was pretty b/c she looks like Scarlett Johannson. I could take her or leave her. I like Didi, Siobhan, Haeley (don’t judge), and Lilly. I can see Lilly murdering some songs in the future, though.
2 SL // Feb 26, 2010 at 1:48 am
I thought Joe was better than a few of the other guys. I couldn’t understand a single word he sang but, he wasn’t as far off key as some.
Good thing they didn’t send Alex home, I like him.
Tyler seemed a bit whiney. “Poor me” the judges didn’t help me .. blah, sniff, whine…
I didn’t remember either of the 2 girls that left so no biggy. Yet, Ashley looked really PO’d. I thought she was going to tell everyone to kiss her butt for not voting for her.
It was a night to crush dreams & save our ears from listening to them next week.
3 CaitHagar // Feb 26, 2010 at 1:54 am
Noooo! She was totally your girl. Lolz! I like Siobhan too, but I’m convinced she’s crazy.
Joe was better than a few… it’s sad that you can’t even understand him and think he’s better than a few others. Lolz!
And yes, Ashley wasn’t happy. I’m sure we’ll here about her somewhere. I don’t know why, I just think we will.
4 SL // Feb 26, 2010 at 2:22 am
I bet we do hear about Ashley again. She’s like a spoiled Diva. Maybe she’ll be another Whitney Houston or Naomi Campbell. Not because Ashley will be a great singer or model…she’ll just be a crazy lady in the news.
If she gets a cell phone in her hand…run!
5 // Feb 26, 2010 at 4:44 am
are you fucking tone deaf you dumb bitch?! tyler grady was amazing!!! ALEX LAMBERT and TIM URBAN can suck my left nut, they suck ass. im a singer im pretty sure i know my shit and they made my ears bleed unlike “bathrobe boy” to you and sexiest man alive to me he was brilliant! suck it
6 CaitHagar // Feb 26, 2010 at 6:10 am
Well, I’m sure Tyler Grady would be proud to know he has such a kind and loving fan.
Thank you for stopping by!
7 PERSONNN // Feb 26, 2010 at 7:23 pm
You are sooo wrong!! TIM URBAN SUCKED, yes he is very cute. but he SUCKSSS. and all of you boy crazy girls shouldnt vote for a guy just cause hes cute. joe munez is good and did not deserve to go off. tyle was good too. Jon whatever and Tim urban should have DEFINITELY gone off. and i think they know that. they are gonna stink it up next week. and that is the truth
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