Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 9 2-23-10 Recap

February 23rd, 2010 -- by lizaio -> · 1 Comment

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So, for the recap I’m not going to take you through every step of this. You can read Jebbica’s awesome live blog for that. I’m just going to, at first, tell you about MY reaction (or my husband’s reaction, or one of my friend’s reactions) to the performance, then I’ll comment on one or more of the judge’s reactions. It’ll probably be mostly Simon, because I tend to agree with him most often.

Paige Miles: “It’s Alright Now” by Free. Hubs says, “Why is she doing this song? I’m very confused….” Not because she’s a girl or even because she’s young or black or anything. Just because it’s not a vocal-showcase kind of song. Or is it? She sort of rocks it.

Simon didn’t like the song choice – and not appropriate for the “girl with the best voice in the competition.” Simon thinks she’ll be safe, and I agree.

Ashley Rodriguez: “Happy” by Leona Lewis. Was it strategic in that Simon mentored Leona Lewis? Probably a good part of that strategy would have been to sing the song WELL. She didn’t. She was out of control. Pretty girl, not enough chops, maybe.

Simon doesn’t feel her as a contemporary recording artist. I agree. She shouldn’t make it through just based on the fact that she’s totally gorgeous.

Janell Wheeler: “What About Love?” by Heart. Well. THAT didn’t go very well.

Simon – “You gave it 100% effort, and probably only delivered 65%” That about sums it up, though he thinks she’ll survive this week. I can’t say that I’m crazy about her after that. If you’re going to do a Heart song, you’ve got to be able to sing as well as that singer from Heart. And as my friend Machee said: “and that heart song made me want to hang myself with a bike chain.”

Lilly Scott: “Fixin’ A Hole” by The Beatles. She gets points for picking a slightly-less-well-known Beatles song. Plus, the performance was cool. The Hubs liked it too, and he’s sort of a Beatles snob. I think we found our favorite for the night.

Ellen says that this is what we were talking about. The rest of the comments ticked me off. The business with Kara ticked me off even more.

Katelyn Epperly: “Oh Darling” by The Beatles. I just love her hair. I know that has nothing to do with her performance, but I just had to say it. She looked a little like Laura Dern from Wild at Heart with that makeup and outfit, but I liked that performance.

Simon did too. Said she was brave. Said some other things that weren’t so great, but overall he liked her. Kara said something about the “makeover” that I actually agreed with. Man! Does that mean I need to go wash my brain out with soap? I liked that Randy commented on everybody thinking that they have to do runs, and that he liked that she didn’t do that. Amen. I hate when people sing all runny like that. Kara said the “B” word on family television.

Haeley Vaughn: “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles. She did the version from Across the Universe, only a little faster and with a much stronger voice than that chick in the movie. It was a little bit aggressively cheerful.

Kara had a problem with some “technical issues” and Randy agreed.

Lacey Brown: “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. Is she drunk? Has she ever heard this song before? I feel like laughing and crying and I’m actually BLUSHING I’m so embarrassed for her.

The judges said meh.

Michelle Delamor:”Fallin” by Alicia Keys. Good. Not great, but good.

Judges thought she was great, but safe.

Didi Benami:”The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson. My friend Machee says she’s good, but “but apparently cries like she got maced” Heh. She was OK, but I’d never heard that song before so I have no basis for comparison.

Simon thought it was meh, but Kara defended her. Because apparently she changed the arrangement a wee bit. I zoned out during the rest of the judges, searching for hilarious tidbits on the chat boards. Apparently I need to monitor more chat boards.

Siobhan Magnus:”Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak. My friend Allison says her voice is “haunting in a good way.” I agree. I thought that was a really good performance. A little weird at the beginning, but she had to be in that low key to hit those later notes so nicely.

Ellen gave the compliment of compliments, which was that she forgot this was a competition and was just being entertained. Simon called her a “funny little thing” which is my favorite thing he calls people. I bet she got a little tingle in her bottom when he said that.

Crystal Bowersox:”Hand in My Pocket” by Alanis Morrisette. I love this woman. She’s doing this solely to make a better life for her kids, but she is not corporate at all. That’s what they all mean, when they say this isn’t her “thing,” they just haven’t said the word “corporate.” Plus, she can play the freakin’ harmonica!

The judges didn’t show as much love as I wanted them to. Boo on the judges.

Machee says: “ok idol let’s end on a mediocre note at least”

Katie Stevens:”Feeling Good” by Michael Buble. This is always a hit. If it’s sung right. Katie’s version started better than it ended, but it was a solid performance. Much more together than most of the performances tonight.

Ellen and Simon didn’t love it. Ellen thought it was too old, Simon thought it was too “pagenty.” Kara makes excuses, like she Katie couldn’t her herself. Randy says you can only be 17 once. Yeah. And she wanted to sing some Buble. What’s the deal? I liked it.

So. Who do you think will be voted off on Thursday? Of this group, I’d say Lacey and Haeley are going home. Do you agree? Tomorrow night I’ll be live blogging the boys. Make sure to comment a bunch!


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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Jebbica // Feb 23, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    I don’t want Haeley to go home yet!!! I find her fascinating.

    You’ve seriously never heard “The Way I Am”? You don’t see Old Navy commercials? “If you are chilly, here take my sweater….”

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