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American Idol Hollywood Week 2-10-10 LIVE BLOG

February 10th, 2010 -- by lizaio -> · 2 Comments

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It’s the traditional night of high drama in the American Idol world – GROUP NIGHT of Hollywood Week. In GROUP NIGHTS of American Idol past, we’ve seen folks completely melt down, we’ve seen folks come unglued, we’ve seen friendships form, enemies develop, and in between we have seen a little bit of singing. Wonder what tonight will bring?

I’ll be blogging as I’m watching, doing the best I can to keep up.  At least it won’t be hard to stay awake – unless high drama induces narcolepsy…

OK, so they call it “Group Day,” but since here we are watching it at night I’m calling it GROUP NIGHT.  Ryan explains the rules of the “Group Day,” how everybody’s going to have to sing and dance.

Mary Powers, Alex Lambert, and Margo May are joined by two other girls.

“Phoenix” is comprised of a bunch of people whose names I missed.

“The Mighty Rangers” is another group name.

“The Dreamers” are another.

I’m always really confused at this part.  It’s always a bunch of crying and anger and FABULOUS bitchiness and I always miss everyone’s names.  Sorry, guys.  I’m sure Cait will do a better job.

“The Dreamers” is Mary’s group, and those two chicks who joined are no-shows.  They show up, but then (guess what?) Drama!  Mary wants to be the leader (because somebody has to be) but the otherns don’t like it.

“Neopolitan” is a group working on a Lady Gaga song. I am once again flummoxed and not catching names, but will during performances, promise.  I should start watching close-captioned.

Big Mike’s wife is having the baby soon.  I like that guy.  I wonder how I’d feel if my Hubs was at American Idol while I was birthing our baby.  Guess I’m glad we’re way too old…

This GROUP NIGHT (”Group Day”) doesn’t seem QUITE as drama-filled and ridiculous as seasons past.  Of course “The Dreamers” are the exception, and Mary is ticking everybody off.  Even the guy playing the keyboard.

“Destiny’s Wild” “danced confidently off to bed.” while “Neopolitan” practiced into the early hours.  Thank HEAVENS we’re going to have some performances soon, because I’m getting tearful and confused.

Everybody practices some more in the morning.  Again, unlike previous seasons, people aren’t wigging out and threatening to quit.  Obviously nobody knows the lyrics to ANYTHING.  This makes the intensity rise.  Big Mike gets word the baby is definitely on the way.

Mary cries because “Destinies Wild” is sooooo good.  It’s FINALLY time to watch everybody.  Big Mike gets word -he talks wifey through delivery on the phone and listens to it be born.  Ze Baby is here!

Now, “Faith” is comprised of Michelle Delamor, Charity Vance, and Ashley Rodriguez and they all make it through.

“Team Awesome” is Big Mike Lynche, Seth Rollins, Tim Urban (with a hat over the dumb hairdo), and Michael Castro (brother of Jason?).  We will find out who made it through after the break.

Yay!  Big Mike Lynche and Tim Urban make it through.  Poor Seth Rollins doesn’t, and I’m sad about that.

“Neopolitan” has Thaddeus Johns, Liz Something, Jessica Cunningham, and somebody else and they rip off “Destiny’s Wild” with the accapella idea for the Lady Gaga song and they ALL MAKE IT THROUGH.  “Destiny’s Wild”  is Todrick Hall, Theri, Jerab Liewr, Siobhan Magnus and they go ahead and do it, but their confidence is shaken and they are a little pitchy.  Ellen doesn’t like their outfits and all of them make it through too.  I can’t help but think that they would have made a great big stink if everybody from the first group made it through and they didn’t all.

There is a montage of everybody making it through.  Whole groups.  Little conflict.

“The Mighty Rangers” is Tori Kelly, Maddie Penrose, Mark Labriola, and Kimberly Kerow, and Danny somebody.  The first two remember lyrics, the second two do not, and we don’t know about the last dude.  Maddie and Tori make it through and Mark cries like a little girl because he doesn’t make it through.  Jones!  It’s Danny Jones.  And he makes it through too.

Jermaine Sellars and the rest of his group (minus a chick who totally bailed) are called “Phoenix”.  Ben Honeycutt, Jeff Goldford, Moorea Masa and Jermaine himself are left.  They do “Carry on My Wayward Son” and it sounds sort of dirge-y and Moorea totally forgets the words.  DON’T FORGET THE WORDS!!!!  They get no sympathy from Simon, and Ben and Moorea get sent home.  Jeff and Jermaine make it through.

There is this painful montage of people trying to sing “Sweet Escape” by Gwen Stefani.  Somebody finally nails the lyrics.  “Big Dreams” is the last group to give it a shot and Amanda Schechtman of DRAMA BOSTON is in this group.  I’m rooting for her, and for Matt Lawrence, who flubs the lyrics right away.  I thought she would provide drama much like whats-her-name that kept laughing that high-pitched laugh last season.  I’ll look it up here in a minute.

A bunch of people get sent home. There are tears.  Minimal begging.

I totally can’t remember that chick’s name from last season.  Remember?  She wore Paula jewelry and she had this high-pitched giggle and she sang the same song EVERY TIME?  She made it through unexpectedly after NOT making it through on the last day of Hollywood.

Jannell Wheller, Jermaine Purifory, and The GUy WHo Was Objectified, also known as Casey James made it through.

Andrew Garcia, Katie Stevens, J. B. Ahfua, and a dude whose name I didn’t not catch made it through.

“Sweet Dreams” Mary Powers, Hope Johnson, Margo May, Alex Lambert, and somebody else I didn’t catch did Fleetwood Mac and it was all over the place.  Mary and Hope deserve to make it through, even though Mary’s been kind of a biotch.  Alex forgot the words, but he has a good voice.  They all three make it, and those two chicks who latched on to them didn’t make it through.

John Park, Katelyn Epperly, Kia Johnson, and a bunhc more people made it through.

Of the 96 left over from last night, 71 make it through to perform next week.  It’s about to get a lot harsher, me thinks.

See you next week!


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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Group Day on American Idol 2-10-10 // Feb 11, 2010 at 2:18 am

    [...] Click the RSS Button –> RSS window.google_analytics_uacct = "UA-87515-4"; ← American Idol Hollywood Week 2-10-10 LIVE BLOG [...]

  • 2 American Idol 9 Hollywood Week Round 2: Group Day Recap // Feb 11, 2010 at 11:55 am

    [...] called it “Hell Week”…for me too, Ryan. For me too.  I had to compare notes with Liz’s live blog, Cait’s recap, and Brian Mansfield’s entire blog just to make sure I had everything [...]

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