Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol Finally Hits Hollywood Week 2-9-10

February 10th, 2010 -- by Cait -> · 2 Comments

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ZOMGGGG! *Jumps up and down*. It’s Hollywood Week. FINALLY!! And you know what that means? It’s Ellen DeGeneres time. I think she’s just the shinizzle.

She said that she knows what it’s like to try and please a whole room of people. I think her and Simon are going to get along…

The first group had Katie Stevens and Skiiboski in it… I have no idea who the rest of them are. But, Katie can totally sing, I didn’t even remember who she was. She made it… Skiiboski on the other-hand… Not to good and didn’t make it. Ellen seemed to think he would frighten everyone… and he did. Lolz

Andrew Garcia: I love this dude so much. He sang one of Paula Abdul’s songs, only he put his own twist on it with some acoustic guitar. Oh em gee. It was the coolest thing, and he made it current. God, he should just win right now. He made it too. Another person that was in his group was Vanessa Wolf. I liked her in the beginning, not so much her voice… just her. But, she was horrible this week. You could just hear her nerves coming through. Her nerves killed it all for her. But, she gets to ride on an Air-o-plane back home.

Jannell Wheeler was really awesome too; she did an Acoustic cool kinda song. I think her an Andrew can win. She made it too.

There were a few more recognizable faces, but nothing wonderful. After the 1st day, 46 people made it through. The rest got their hopes and dreams DESTROYED. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Lilly Scott was the first for the second day. She was cute and had an AWESOME voice. It wasn’t really my style of music, but she was still really good. She made it, and I think she could do good.

BIG MIKE: He was having a baby… well, I know he’s a big dude and all, but he was not the one prego. His wife was the one giving birth, while he’s out goofin’ off in Hollywood. What a lewzar. He made it through though, and I’m glad. I like him. But, he should be a body guard for tiny people like me.

Tim Urban: O_O! Hello cutie. I think I love you already. ‘Course, I have no idea what he sang, and his voice was boring. But, he looks adorkable, so he should totally make it through. He made it, along with this other cutie dude, Justin Williams. Booyah.

Didi Benami: She reminds me of Brooke White now that Jebbia said it on here. She sings a song by Kara, and so that should be some bonus points. I sort of liked it, she could be like a Taylor Swift only she can actually sing. Simon said he really likes the song.

Crystal Bowersox: She went and got a Tattoo of her son, or something. And I really like her, like… allot. Her teeth bother the crap out of me though. But, like Simon said, she is infectious, people like her and she’s real. YAY she made it along with Didi. Is it just me, or does Crystal look like the blond chick from the show Lost who had the baby?

I think about 100 people made it through, and tomorrow, they are going in groups. FUN!

What did you think about tonight? Who was your favorite?

Check Out More Recaps: Liz and Jebbica


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Tags: American Idol Auditions · Andrew Garcia

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Sheryl // Feb 10, 2010 at 1:01 am

    I liked that Didi girl. She does remind you of Talyor Swift, kinda (almost) talented.

    Crystal looks totally like Claire on Lost. Looks very sweet, and kind of blends in but…
    Oh yeah, Claire showed back up on tonight’s Lost!

  • 2 CaitHagar // Feb 10, 2010 at 1:12 am

    Yeah, that Didi girl does. She also reminded me of Brooke White. She just reminds you of allot of people. Lolz

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