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American Idol 1-28-10 Dallas Auditions

January 27th, 2010 -- by lizaio -> · 4 Comments

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It’s that time. It’s Idol’s 6th trip to the Lonestar State, and it looks like it’s gonna be fun.

11000 people tried out this time. Ryan loooves him some cheerleaders, and we get the amazing news that none other than Neil Patrick Harris (NPH!!!!!) is the guest judge. I adore him so wholeheartedly, even if he does pledge to crush dreams and make people cry.

First up we have a former hopeful who is still, well, hopeful. Last time it was “Lady Marmalade,” this time Julie Kevelighan sings “Black Velvet” and I hate to tell her, it’s not good. It’s no gooder, Julie. NPH critiques the sign, and at the beginning, he called her “Sparkles.” She starts singing even after being rejected. Honestly. Does that EVER work for ANYBODY? Julie gets escorted out the door and she says she feel like she blew it. She’s right.

We’re back from the break.  And Lloyd “Bigs is Sexy” Thomas.  He’s a dock worker and the father of two, and he’s pretty adorable.  I so want him to be good.  He chooses a very difficult Stevie Wonder song.  It makes me wonder.  Do people get extra points for very hard songs?  Either way, he sings it really smooth and pretty and I think he should make it through.  It was Simon’s favorite audition of the day.  Randy gives him a billion percent yes.  Lloyd is going to Hollywood!  Yay!  He thanks “Lord Jebus” and says that the taste of victory is tangible.  That just makes me love him more.

There is a big ol’ montage of Neil and Simon MAYBE disagreeing, but it might just be tricky editing.

Kimberly Carver is next, and she sings an original song, which is always risky.  How do the judges know if the singer is on key?  Well, the song was a neat jazzy little number.  Randy liked her.  Simon didn’t.  Neil disagreed with Simon.  Neil thought it was “quite great.”  I think Simon is sorry NPH is on his show.  I’m not sorry.  Not one bit.

Honestly, do people realize that Neil Patrick Harris has had a very active career since Doogie Howser, especially of late?  I mean come on!  Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, his fine work on How I Met Your Mother, his awesome hosting of the Emmys?  He’s NPH, Folks!  NPH!!!

I’m very very very very very very very sure that this fella with the winking and the swishing and the sneering (Dexter Ward) is going to make my heart hurt.  Yep.  There it went.  My heart breaking into tiny little pieces.  They let it go on forever, too.  Why do that do that to me?  Dexter is so earnest, and he’s so upset by the judges reactions, and then he looks sorta miffed.  He went outside and cried, which triggers a big teary montage of sadness and disappointment.  *Sigh*

Erica Rhodes is 23 years old and in graduate school.  She was on Barney & Friends when she was younger.  She has mesh fingerless gloves, which means that she’s grown up since Barney.  She comes into her audition dressed as a dominatrix.  I don’t know how I feel about it.  She then sings the Barney theme song.  I wonder what the Barney people think about that.  She actually has a neat little voice and she can do some cool stuff with it.  She also used the whip as a sound effect in her song, which I kind of dug.  You know?  I like her.  So does everybody else.  Her mom is really happy about it.  She jumps up and down and yells.  I did too, a little.  Just joking.  Or am I?

The final contestant of Day 1 is a 27-year old Arkansas fella.  He has Tourette’s Syndrome, which is a serious thing.  He doesn’t suffer his symptoms when he’s singing.  Dave Pitman, don’t let me down.  Oh good.  He’s good.  I mean, I’m not turning cartwheels over here, but he’s good.  He makes it through, and I find myself wanting him to make it at least into the top 12.

15 people total made it through on the first day in Dallas.

I know I’m kind of old, but I would much rather a second day of NPH because who are these Jonas Brothers people?  Just kidding, but seriously.  Bring back NPH.

Todrick Hall performed in The Color Purple with Fantasia.  He sings an original song about his current (and I mean right now) experience.  It was ADORABLE, and so is he.  Randy liked it and that Jonas guy thought he had “star power,” which I think this kid knows about since I think they lunchboxes with him and his brothers on them.  I mean, when I was a teenager I liked New Kids On The Block, and I don’t think they even played instruments.  I guess these Jonas guys are better, yeah?

Stephanie Daulong had a headband and got through.

Meagan Wright brought her little brother along with.  She is cute and genuine.  Randy LOVES THIS GIRL, and she gets through to Hollywood.  Dawson Wright (the aforementioned little brother) is happy for her, and so are the fourteen hundred friends she brought with her.  Really it was only, like, five or something.  They were happy.  I’m happy.  Aren’t you happy?  Well, get happy!

Vanessa Johnson is decked out in bright pink and wristbands.  She wants her optimism to go through the TV to you.  Feel it.  Feel her optimism.  I hate to admit it, it wasn’t good.  And again, they let it go on for absolutely ever.  Vanessa is Simon’s ultimate nightmare.  She was cute and she wasn’t sad at all.  I doubt she thought she’d actually make it through.

There was a neat little montage about Simon, and I enjoyed it.

Christian Spear has had leukemia.  She went into remission 8 years ago and she’s a quite lovely-looking girl.  She is only 16 years old.  I’m not familiar with the Etta James song she was singing, but she has a pretty little voice and I like her.  Simon likes her, a lot, too.  She gets another billion percent yes from Randy.

We didn’t get a lot of Joe Jonas personality in this guest judge spot.  I guess it’s hard to measure up to the NPH.  “Sigh*  NPH.


Next week – Denver.  See you then, you lovelies.  Comment, why don’t you, and tell us what you think of the Dallas auditions?


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4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jebbica // Jan 27, 2010 at 9:33 pm

    You just mentioned Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, and I just have to say that that made me love you even more.

  • 2 Idol-Mania-Eric // Jan 27, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    Loved Todrick Hall performance,… Need that Video asap :)

  • 3 American Idol 9 Dallas Auditions Recap // Jan 27, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    [...] Click the RSS Button –> RSS window.google_analytics_uacct = "UA-87515-4"; ← American Idol 1-28-10 Dallas Auditions [...]

  • 4 Jebbica // Jan 27, 2010 at 10:19 pm

    Will get to it…give me about 15 minutes!

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