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American Idol 1-27-10 Goes To Los Angeles

January 27th, 2010 -- by Cait -> · No Comments

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FINALLY. We’re doing Hollywood Week. Oh wait… noooo we’re still doing the auditions. CRAP!

Well, this week Idol is in Los Angeles. You know that place where everyone likes to think they’re famous? I’m moving there when I’m 18 to become FAMOUS. I figure it’s what everyone else does. NOT!

Avril Lavigne is the guest judge for the first day. She bothers me for some reason. Like, I used to LOVE her when I was 12 and she was this punk chick. But now, she’s just bleh.

Anyways, here we go.

First up was uber scary weirdo, Neil Goldstein: Holy crap. That’s really all I have to say. He was a very nerdy, creepy, sweaty thing that scared me. He’s why I’m convinced parents need to stop being so politically correct with their children. Did you watch him? You could see it in his eyes he really thought he was good. That’s even why he was arguing with the judges. OH MY GAWD WHAT A DYLWEED.

Moving on…

There was some dude; I think his name was Jayson Willson: He sounded like a cat that had its tale stuck under a tire. AHHHHHH! My freakin’ ear drums exploded.

Jim Ranger: He was a big dude who had kind of a cool voice. He’s a pastor and also a huge family man. Buuut, apparently thinks god gave him some kind of talent and he wanted to try out for Idol. Most of the judges liked him. Except for Avril, she was worried that he wouldn’t be able to have the life he has now while being on the road. Awww, ain’t she sweet. He got a G-Ticket!

NINJA MAN aka Damien (I forget his last name): Here’s an awesome whack for you. He loves acting like a Ninja, and of course singing *HY-YAH* apparently. He sings a song, that I have no idea what it is. He didn’t make it through. Why? Because he sucked! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *HY-YAH*.

Mary Powers: She has the coolest name ever. Maybe if she and the guy above hooked up, they could be like… NINJA POWERS. FTW! Simon though she was Cliché with her punkish look. But, I thought she looked cool. She has a cool voice too. Oh, and her little girl even got to meet Simon. W00t. She got through.

Then they showed soooo many Adam Lambert wannabe’s. Gawd, some of those people were scarrrrryyyyyy. But, then again; I guess ‘Lambert’s frightening too.

M.J. Mendoza: The Adam Lambert wannabe person… His hair pretty much failed though. He sucked, and everyone laughed at him, and YAY he gets to go home. Oh, but he did say that Adam listened to him and LOVED him. Doubtful dude! Get ova yo’ self.

KATY PERRY. She’s so hot. I’m not even kidding. She’s the guest judge for the second day. She should have just been for both days, because she is way cooler than that other chick.

There was this dude… and his name was Andrew Garcia: His rents were in Gangs and so he grew up with a rough life. But, now he wants to show the world that Gang Babies are cool. He has a kid of his own BTW. He sang, and he was sooooo goooood. Me liked him. But, I hope he gets rid of those hideous glasses. He gotta GT.

Mass Murderer aka Jason Greene was one I found interesting: You guys can judge me all you want, be he was AWESOME. I mean c’mon you had to love him. Maybe not his singing, but his utter gayness and epicness. He was being weird with the judges, and he made Katy Perry all hot. Oooh, and he didn’t make it.

Well, that was a lovely show. LA sucks. BUT, everyone, you should go there if you want to be famous. And then, hopefully Cali will fall off into the Ocean, and we can cut down on the Stupid Population. WHO’S WITH MAH?

Katy Perry was the bomb, because she was getting lippy with Kara. And I really wish she would have thrown that coke into Kara’s face.

Dallas, TX is next people. Isn’t everything bigger in Texas? Uhhh, we can only hope!

Be sure to check out Jebbica’s Recap

Cait Hagar


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