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American Idol 9 Orlando Auditions Recap

January 20th, 2010 -- by Jebbica -> · 4 Comments

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Tonight’s Idol auditions came from Orlando, and I think we’re all hoping that Orlando would turn out better than Chicago! Speaking of Orlando vs. Chicago, votefortheworst.com made a clever observation: last night’s “Eff you, Idol!” segment was supposed to be indicative of how rude Chicagoans are, yet there were palm trees in the background. Palm trees, people.

Kristen Chenoweth of Pushing Daisies and Glee fame is the guest host tonight. Isn’t she the cutest? Kristen FTW!

The first contestant, Theo Sparkly Buttons, is feathered and glittered to the max. Almost as much as Adam Lambert. Apart from his lisp, his voice isn’t terrible. I was kind of liking Theo Sparkly Buttons.

CHICKEN SUIT ALERT.  Kristen Chenoweth is stealing the show.  Don’t you just want to take a bath in her smile?  She is sunshine personified, and in a completely unobnoxious way.   Meanwhile, on the show, a lot of people are getting marched through the doors sans golden ticket.

Seth Rollins is the first on-key contestant of the day. His son has autism (he has incredibly ADORABLE kids, by the way).  He sounded a lot like John Legend (I’d say that’s a good thing), while singing “Someone to Watch Over Me”. He gets a “Million% YES!” and is leaving his autistic son for Hollywood.

Another barrage of nos, and then we meet Jermaine Purifoy, who didn’t make it in Season 7.  After hearing him, I have to wonder why he didn’t make it before!  Randy thought he was the best he’s heard this season, and I’m almost inclined to agree.  His voice had the same effect on me as Chenoweth’s smile.

Shelby Dressel is a waitress who is unable to use the right side of her face.  She sings “Turn Me On” by Norah Jones, until she forgot the words and had an @#$% moment.  That got her four yeses right there.

It’s Beat Box Beatles time, courtesy of Jay Stone. I kind of liked him. Crazy beat boxing and decent singing.  But, he’ll have you know that he’s completely DIFFERENT from Blake Lewis…”Blake Lewis didn’t sing AND beat box at the same time!”  So he might be a novelty act, but he’s off to Hollywood.

We get a lot more yeses (more in this montage than Chicago’s total!).

Time for Guy-Who-Does-Split-and-Rips-his-Pants.  “My Pants Done Ripped!” He might have split his pants (lookin’ like a fool with his pants on the ground!), but they surprisingly sent him to Hollywood rather than Splits-ville!

We meet some Jersey Shore sisters with weird noses.  They both had moments where they might have been good singers at their neighborhood bar, but I don’t think they will fare so well during Hollywood week.  And yet they exit with tickets as golden as their jewelry.

Jarrod Norrell is an obvious comedian, but he must be a good one, because I laughed all through his rendition of “Amazing Grace”.  Apparently the joke went too far, because they wound up escorting him out in handcuffs!  But come on, seriously, guys. How obvious was he. Talking about being “enthusiastic” monotonously, using lots of key phrases like “gotta give it up to God” and “yo dawg, you serious?”.  Trust me, the irony was not lost on him.

Matt Lawrence is the last story of the night, and he robbed a bank with a BB gun at the tender age of 15.  It put him in “prison” for four years.  And by “prison”, I’m guessing alternative school.  This guy is HARDCORE.  If you don’t vote for him, he will cut you.  He sings “Trouble” by Ray Lamontagne.  He sounds how I think Ray Lamontagne would sound if he had a lot of phlegm in his throat.  And yet, Simon thought that Plegm Lawrence was “Brilliant”.  He is out of the big house and into the big time–for now!

Overall, tonight was a much better night for me than last night.  But Jermaine Purifoy was the best for me.  The Jersey Nosejob Twins need to go.  Who did you like/dislike?

For more on tonight’s episode, check out Liz’s live-blog!


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Tags: American Idol Auditions

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Eric // Jan 20, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    Hate it when they show us only like 10 Ticket winners and they let 30 ish through. Always makes you wonder about the Producers Plans.

    Why set us up with back stories of people who mostly get cut in Hollywood and never introduce us to the Special ones that make the Top 24 until the last minute. Bad Job AI Producers.. FAIL

  • 2 Jebbica // Jan 20, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    Oh, I know! I wanted to hear the girl with red hair and glasses who was kind of nerdy-pretty.

  • 3 American Idol Auditions Go To Orlando // Jan 21, 2010 at 2:51 am

    [...] sure to check out Jebbica’s Recap and Liz’z [...]

  • 4 Matt Lawrence “Trouble” American Idol 9 Orlando Audition Video // Jan 22, 2010 at 11:45 am

    [...] American Idol 9 Orlando Auditions Recap [...]

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