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American Idol 2010 Season 9 Promo

January 12th, 2010 -- by Jebbica -> · 5 Comments

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Hey everyone, did you miss me? I’ve been away from the internet-as-a-full-time-job and have been working out in the real world. So, you know. I have one of those jobs where I have to talk to people now. It’s most unsettling, but it pays the bills. Thankfully though, I’m still blogging part-time, keeping it fun! So, who’s excited about the new season of American Idol? I’m a little bit jaded since the space between last season’s finale and now have given our MOST! TALENTED! EVER! group of American Idols from last season ample time to fade into obscurity. All of ‘em. Even that Lambert guy doesn’t make the news much. Oh, what’s that, you say? He simulated fellatio on a national music awards program? Oh, okay. But has anyone heard any of his music? Because I watched that video, and all I heard was “Eeeeeeyaaahhhhaaaaaahhheeeeeeeeeehhh!!!!!!!!” and other subsequent phrasings. In fact, I have not heard a single song by one of Season 8’s Idols.

So, it’s another year, another winner. But is it going to matter? Won’t I be more excited about the return of Glee? Wasn’t Anoop Desai my waiter the other night? (What was he thinking, anyway? An Indian-American Idol? He had to have known it was going to come down to three white guys, therefore meaning he could only be a novelty. America! Melting Pot! Huh!)

But, there’s still fun in watching. The auditions! The sob stories! The getting to know someone we didn’t know before, and growing to love/hate them! And oh, am I forgetting something? Oh yes.


So, I will have to change up my writing style on Idol Mania this year. Last year recapping went like this:

Simon: Absolutely horrific. I would rather put my unborn baby’s hand in a blender than have to reduce myself to this rubbish.

Randy: Yeeeaah, dawg! You worked it OUT! Little pitchy, though.

Kara: no one cares about Kara’s opinion. NEXT!

Paula: You were like a adijf daidfjaodfjidfj adfodfjdofj……………(drool)…………kadfjlakfjd………..ladkfjlakjf……???..(insert me: WTF?!)…..adkfladkfja…….really nice.

Now, I will have to try to put actual syllables together and make sense of them as being some sort of critique. Will Ellen become a cartoon character like the rest of them have? Will she have little catchphrases that she will use time and time again? Well, I guess that is just the fun in finding out! Season Nine: I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me. My blogging fingers are ready. And hopefully, you, the reader, will be here to agree with me or curse my opinion, but you will be right here!

Jebbica, OUT!


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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 America Idol Fan // Jan 12, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    OMG – She’s Back!! Welcome back to Idol-Mania.com Jebbica :)

    This should be an interesting season, with Simon’s last, Ellen’s first, and our no holds barred blogging!!

  • 2 America Idol Fan // Jan 12, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    PS. Paula says: “Burp!”

  • 3 Jebbica // Jan 12, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    What IS Paula going to do now?!

  • 4 CaitHagar // Jan 12, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    Ooooh Jebbica. I can’t wait to see who predicts the winner this year. You got it last year, but we never hear about… what’s his name again? Lolz!

    I’m excited to see Ellen on there. She has no musical background, but that doesn’t matter. The rest of them have one, and we never know WTH they’re talking about.

    As long as Randy stays away from big words, Simon keeps his boob shirts and Ellen keeps it funny. We should be good. Am I forgetting one?

    Cait Hagar

  • 5 Kara American Idol | AXI // Jan 12, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    [...] American Idol 2010 Season 9 Promo | American Idol Fan Site | Who So, who’s excited about the new season of American Idol? I’m a little bit jaded since the… [...]

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