Well, we’ve have heard that Adam Lambert has been canceled from allot of stuff on the ABC network. Because of that performance he did for the American Music Awards. BUT, The View is going to have him as a guest on Thursday – December 10th.
Now, is this not a Day Time Show? And don’t you think that more kids might be tuning in? OMG! Pour kids will be scarred for life. And they will not know what to do if they see a man with guyliner and weird hair that likes BOOOOOYS! Yeah right. Whatever!
ABC is so stupid; you don’t want him on your channel… why? Oh, because that’s the same channel Hannah Montana is on. *Gasp*.
I know why they’re letting him on the view. And it’s because he did a Sit Down Interview with Barbra Walters, for the 10 Most Fascinating People. Due to air the night before on Wednesday on the same channel!
I will be watching both, because I hear that Lady Gaga will be on. Maybe she will “Come out” that she is actually a man, and she and Adam are hooked up. Hellz yeah!
So, the point of this article was to tell you that Adam Lambert will be on the View and you should check him out.
Cait Hagar
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