Ellen DeGeneres is going to be the forth judge on American Idol. Darn tootin’… So that’s the latest news of Idol, or the last news anyone cared about. I am so excited for this I can barley type. I love Ellen and American Idol, meaning HELLZ TA DA YEAH HOW COOL!
On a more serious note: Why IS Ellen DeGeneres going to be a judge on Idol? Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think she has much “musical” experience. It would be one thing if she were to guest judge, but be a permanent judge?! I will say though, she will add SO much excitement because Kara always trys to be funny and fails. Randy is just not toooo sharp, and Simon is always to serious. Not only that, but with her they will probably get more ratings. Ooooo, bonus!!!!
I read somewhere that she signed a five year contract, but I don’t know if that’s completely true.
Source MSNBC:
“Hopefully, I’m the people’s point of view because I’m just like you,” DeGeneres said on her talk show. “I sit at home and I watch it, and I don’t have that technical … I’m not looking at it in a critical way from the producer’s mind. I’m looking at it as a person who is going to buy the music and is going to relate to that person.”
I’m thinking she will bring allot of life into the show, and not only that but, all the Adam Lambert fans will be uber excited she joined. It’s good for the people who watch it and the people that want to try out.
Now they have a Brit dude, a black dude and a lesbian… that really makes it AMERICAN idol. I love it!
I can’t wait to see Ellen on Season 9 of American Idol.
P.S I don’t think I will be able to make fun of her which kind of makes me sad. I ALWAYS make fun of the judges. Oh well, I am sure she will have something odd to say and I will hopefully be able to write about it and laugh.
Cait Hagar
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