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Paula Abdul Surprises Scott Macintyre with Seeing Eye Dog

June 1st, 2009 -- by Cait -> · 1 Comment

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Our beloved Paula Abdul did something really amazing for past American Idol hopeful Scott Macintyre. She provided him a “Seeing Eye Dog”. Or almost… he won’t get the dog until after the American Idol tour which ends in September. He has to be matched with the dog that is perfect for him and it’s about a month long process to get the dog all situated.

Since May was National Guide Dog Month it only seemed right for her to get him one IN May. Paula has been working with Natural Balance for awhile now, to help raise money and all so that people like Scott can get these helpful little pups without having to pay an arm and a leg. It will probably be a lab, because most Guide Dogs are labs. I wonder why?

I think this is so cool and it makes me like Paula JUST a little bit more. Not a whole lot, but some. Some people may think she’s a slurring, pill popping, mumbling drunk, but she can do great things for someone in need. :]

I would think Scott should have already had of these since he has been blind all his life, but maybe it was just something him and his family couldn’t afford. I’m absolutely sure this will make his life so much easier and who doesn’t love dogs? They bring so much joy into peoples lives (Unless you dislike dogs). I have two of my own and I know even though they don’t care about what I’m saying or doing, they are always there for me.

This will change his life in more than one way. It’s not just “Now he won’t run into walls”. It’s that this will be a companion for him, a best friend, something that won’t judge him, something that won’t laugh at him or point, something that will be there for him for many years.

Some people seem to think that if he REALLY wanted one he would have already had one. I’m not to sure about that. What do you think about this?

Good luck to him and his new friend.

Cait Hagar


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Tags: Paula Abdul · Scott MacIntyre

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 // Jun 5, 2009 at 1:50 pm

    OMG Cait, yer right she IS useful for something. I always new it… not really. That’s pretty kewl tho, coz I’m sure he will be happier. The only thing I hav to say is I hope she didn’t REALLY surprise him, coz if he didn’t want one of those dogs, he might hav said yes 2b nice. :/

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