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Did American Idol 8 Get It Right? NO

May 22nd, 2009 -- by America Idol Fan -> · 99 Comments

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America Idol Fan

Did American Idol 8 Get It Right? NO

It has been a couple of days since the shock and awe wore off of the American Idol Season 8 Finals. As most fans and even work force water cooler hall monitors know Kris Allen received more of the 100 Millions fan votes than Heir Apparent Adam Lambert to take this years American Idol Crown.

Did Idol get it right? No, not only no, Hell No.

Kris Allen has talent, He did well, should he have won. NO, Nadda, Nein, Nope.   If you saw the reaction of Simon Cowell, sitting in his seat as the announcement of Kris became official and the rest of the judges giving a standing ovation, you would know as well that Idol Did Not get it right. Simon Cowell’s reaction and steadfast actions spoke volumes.  The night before Simon Cowell declared Adam Lambert the winner in his own words and judgment.

Was this the straw that broke the Lambert sweeping of the Finals? Was it the Vote for the Worst crowd, or was it the potential homophobia about Adam Lambert’s sexuality that reduced his vote total?  Or does the conspiracy go deeper than this?

Do our votes even get counted or considered? Do the powers that be at Simon Fuller’s 19 Management make the decisions regardless of the millions of text messages and 1-866 number call ins?  According to TV.com story they are suggesting that Kris Allen’s win was a business decision.

Granted Adam Lambert has millions of fans that will support his efforts and is destined to be a significant star based upon his talent.  Kris Allen could only go so far without the Idol Title.  Controversy has never been a negative for American Idol. It seems to create it, welcome it, and thrive by it every year.

Conspiracy theorists , Illuminati, Free Mason and the  Smoking Man from the former X-files show, must sit down at the beginning of the season an Plot their Controversy.  Controversy sells, Controversy keeps people talking, writing, and keeping the Idol machine rolling.

Is it a bad thing?  Hell Yes.  How many times will American get slapped in the face before finally turning away instead of turning the other cheek?  We as fans were taken aback when Chris Daughtry was booted in the Final forth round in Season 5.  We crawled back and took the forgettable season 6 as Melinda Doolittle left American Idol in the 3rd spot.  We watched as ringers with former recording contracts and albums invaded season 7.  We saw the travesty of a mockery of a shame results this year.

Will we be back?  Yes.  Because we love this crap. We talk about this crap, and this crap pays the bills ( thank you sponsors).  But are we truly happy with this years results?


Your comments, dissenting opinions are welcomed and appreciated.  Let it rip!!


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99 responses so far ↓

  • 1 // May 22, 2009 at 5:34 pm

    Adam was the better of the two.
    Adam deserved to win. I am very upset.

  • 2 America Idol Fan // May 22, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    Exactly Susan, Well said and to the point. I wholeheartedly agree

  • 3 Sam // May 22, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    I disagree with this article. Adam was played up way too much. He has great talent but I would much rather listen to Kris’ songs. If you think about it, there were probably just as many people that really disliked Adam as there were that loved him, so it’s not a total shock that Adam won. Well, I mean, it is since everyone was all “oh Adam is definitely gonna win” but Kris is just as amazing. They both are very talented and I’m sure they will both succeed in the music industry.

  • 4 Sam // May 22, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    P.S. I meant: it’s not a total shock that Kris won.

  • 5 // May 22, 2009 at 6:14 pm

    p.s. Simon was on Ryan’s Radio Show & stated the better of the two singers did not win.

  • 6 CaitHagar // May 22, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    Kris doesn’t STAND OUT. No matter what, whether it’s good or bad everyone knows who Adam Lambert is. He may get allot of crap thrown at him because of his “Sexuality” or “Weirdness” but he is known. That will keep his name up there.

    I also think he won because he got Danny fans voting for him. The little church goers are not going to vote for a gay/vampire/emogoth/weirdo.

    I think the people that are NOT judgmental will outdo the people who are so he’ll be fine. Miss California may not like him, but well… I’m sure he’s over that. :]

    Adam FTW!

  • 7 gabby // May 22, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    let’s not forget that simon also drooled over fantasia barrino. she has been dropped from her record label and went bankrupt. he has been wrong before.
    i don’t understand why kris coming in first has to be an “upset” or a conspiracy. both are good, both deserve to win. last year when archie came in second there wasn’t any tween rioting done. archie’s fans were happy for cook. why can’t adam’s fans be happy for kris? we all know that it doesn’t really matter who gets first or second anyways. look at daughtry, hudson, archie, aiken… there are more too that are successful without being “winners”. on the other hand, look at some of the winners… ruben, taylor hicks, fantasia… all were dropped from their record labels. sometimes the votes don’t match the record sales and sometimes these judges are wrong. adam is a bit over-the-top and a bit overrated. i guess we’ll just have to wait and see if his album sells well.

  • 8 nononono // May 22, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    while adam does have an amazing voice, i have a hard time imagining listening to an entire cd of his song- screaming meme
    Kris on the other hand, i could listen to all day
    that is why i voted for him
    plus he’s so frikin cute

  • 9 ae80 // May 22, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    not sure about the winner nor the second place..IMO, this season’s american idol contestants are all average..some can really sing but not a great performer, vice versa..

  • 10 jay // May 22, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    IMO, Kris deserved to win this year Idol.. His style and genre is very current whereas Adam is reminiscent of the 80’s/90’s.. Moreover, Kris’s voice is way too pleasant to hear than Adam, who most of the time was not singing but SCREAMING with FALSETTO…. Pleasant Vocal was the main reason why Kris won AI…

  • 11 gipsy in the uk // May 23, 2009 at 1:58 am

    Just seen the finale..what rubbish votes got Kris as the top man???

    Ryan didn’t give the stats or percentages this time did he?

    Even KRIS though Adam should win..!

    Adam didn’t have one bad comment the whole show..he is a showman, a singer, and really should have (and time will tell, will be ) THE American idol.

    I believe him ending up in the bottom three that week was abit of a put up job as well, as he obviously was better than the others..I think the Producers thought it was all abit tooooo predictable so shook things up abit..

    The comments here about the screaming are ridiculous..He sang quite afew ballads that didn’t involve the high pitched notes as well..If you’re homophobic just be honest and say so!!! Gay or not, hes the top guy for the job and anyone with sense will see that!

    Kris is cute but sounds like the boy next door strumming in the garage…

    You Yanks really screwed up this time.

  • 12 Bruna // May 23, 2009 at 3:50 am

    I think Kris is a fantastic person and deserved to win. Adam fans were too cocky and didn’t vote enough, its your own fault. i voted for Kris every week and if you really wanted Adam to win you should have voted too! he has a great style and a great voice. stop being haters!
    Kris is Amazing
    I love him!!!!! <3

  • 13 Peter // May 23, 2009 at 5:13 am

    its so funny that when someone seems to think that adam screams a lot they r labeled homophobic. thats seriously a clear sign of sore losers! adam does scream every other note. and when he doesnt, he is whining. if u r serious about supporting him, im sure his album will hit good sales figures. but i doubt any of those who will support him can listen to him all the time.

    plus, this fixing the votes thing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid, i am surprised the editors of this site even published this. how pathetic. seriously.

  • 14 Peter // May 23, 2009 at 5:13 am

    ps, i am gay!

  • 15 paulhb // May 23, 2009 at 10:54 am

    Clay makes an excellent point. For all of you that thought Adam should have won… well… Thank god he didn’t. That might have done it for me and AI. I was getting sick of it for the very same reasons that Clay was mentioning; pulling people with prior contracts from record companies and off broadway to compete??? Kinda loses the spirit.

    Anyway, was Adam the most talented? Ability wise, I think so. I also found him abrasive and self indulgent to say the least. He damned sure wasn’t musical. He ruined songs by showing off his vocal acrobatics. HOW MANY TIMES DOES THE DUDE HAVE TO SHOW OFF THAT HIGH NOTE????? It ceases to be music and begins to be a LOOKIE AT WHAT I CAN DO!!!! All of the screeching is ridiculous. Compare him to Freddie Mercury when Freddie hits unnecessary high notes every f**king song. Freddie would have thought Adam over did it too. Clapton can shred, but he doesn’t! Be a musician, not a show off.

    That Gokie kid was my pick. Very musical and in the pocket. Brilliant. He didn’t have to dress like a spaceman with eyeline on every time either.

    So Kris Allen? He took most arrangements and changed them to suit his own style. His arrangements, as well as his singing were impeccable. He is a far more well rounded musician than “Space Elvis”. For those of you that think Kris won’t be successful, well, so what? He could be a record producer TODAY and from what I heard, Adam wouldn’t sniff that gig. He kicks ass and surprised me every time he got on stage with music that came from his heart, not just his throat. Gokie (sp?) and and Adam didn’t. They did what they always do.

    Respect Kris Allen. He was an underdog and won with superior musicianship, not just sheer ability to hit a high note at awkward times…. not to mention over the top camera mugging…. Ill timed dramatics. Yeeeechhhh. Jesus.

    BTW, I loved that little rocker chick too. Great voice. Too bad people can’t get past her looks. The talent pool was amazing this year.

    Great to see Kara sing too. I love that chick. She really knows what’s up.

  • 16 jen // May 23, 2009 at 11:22 am

    face it, kris won. stop fucking mulling over it.

  • 17 choco // May 23, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    I think that Adam should have won. Each week I couldn’t wait for Adam to sing. Kris is good but Adam is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

  • 18 nononono // May 23, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    GEEZ why is that if we dont fall in love with a gay guy were a homophobe! annoying

  • 19 Sonya // May 23, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    Melinda Doolittle? Please!! If she was so great she owuld have taken a page from Daughtry’s book and gone on to greatness in her own right.

    As for Adam and Kris: If you let the American public vote then you have to live with the results and quit the whinning. Kris won and Adam did not. Adam will go on to do his thing. End of story!

  • 20 Tom Cat // May 23, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    Since the results I’ve spoken with a lot of the teens and asked who they voted for, they said they voted for Kris. When asked why, the general response was that he was SOOOO CUTE,
    THERE WAS NO MENTION OF HIS TALENT. I wish Kris well but don’t think he was the best. The proof will be in the ” pudding “. Adam was the best I’ve ever seen on AI. Who cares if he worked in musicals before. HE WAS THE BEST.
    If the reason was his gender preference , all should be ashamed, I thought, as a Christan myself , that we are not to judge, God will do the judging!
    Time will tell. God bless both Kris and Adam.

  • 21 // May 23, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    Allison Iraheta should have totally taken the win. She was the only talented person on that show!!!!

  • 22 bo // May 23, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    No matter what adam did some of it was great, some of it was ear-screechingly bad the judges thought sun shined out his a$$.

    I liked both the singers and by the way I am bi and more than a little weird. Kris was my favorite though. After his performance of heartless was so amazing I couldn’t believe people were still hyping adam. Adam’s aerosmith performance was sooooo horrible. I couldn’t watch it without cringing.

    And kris’s version of the finale single was way better than adam’s. The real issue is that people in LA and NY can’t understand why the rest of us bi, gay, and straight might prefer a very innovative talented musician that doesn’t screech and squeal. BTW Kris played multiple instruments and could sing amazingly well and arrange his own stuff.

    I don’t recall adam playing anything, I believe most of his arrangements were done by others. Who is the better overall performer. If you look at the season as a whole its a no-brainer.

    BTW given that this is a popularity contest in which most of the voters are tween girls you should really be speculating as to why adam stayed on as long as he did up against a heart throb like kris.

  • 23 Ginger // May 24, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Adam is ELVIS,

    Kris is PAT BOONE…

    Who would you rather listen to ?

  • 24 Vicki // May 24, 2009 at 3:17 am

    To compare Kris to Adam is really lop-sided. I can go to any piano bar, and find a dozen Kris’, but I would have to buy a ticket, to go to a huge concert of international mega-stars, to find someone as unique, and talented as Adam. Anyone can learn to write, but few become poets. Kris can write, Adam is a poet. This is why we Adam supporters were stunned at the results.

  • 25 Peter // May 24, 2009 at 5:00 am

    vicky, i think u have it the other way around. kris is the musical poet (described well in paulhb’s post above). adam can simply write. just by giving u a show, and showing u off his screeching pitch…

    paulhb, very well put. the kid can produce TODAY. also agree about dany. my pick from the auditions. but the kid needed major training. and it would have been really cool to see him sing with rod stewart, not lionel.

    tomcat, enough with the gay thing. seriously. i am sure a lot of people voted for kris against homosexuality, and that is pathetic. but do not think that was the driving force.

    and i also think that enough adults also voted to shift the balance. american idol has picked up very cool momentum. it is the first season a watch in full, and i know many others also. i look forward to season 9.

  • 26 // May 24, 2009 at 6:29 am

    You guys must accept that in determining the winner votes must be the basis. Not only your choices neither Simon’s choice. Its American Idol that speaks for singing competition and AMERICA’S Hearts. Sorry if your bet or your best singer on the show did not make it.

  • 27 Tony // May 24, 2009 at 7:20 am

    Adam was the winner, he might have sung a few more softer song because he does have a voice like the late Elvis,, but more kids under 30 buy CD they like his voice , Adams that is
    i just thjink his voters took it for gramted he won and didnt vote, as far as chris he will be a flach in the pan.Adam will be picked up fast and so will the red headed young woman both have a great heart and sing from their heart.not just words like chris sings

  • 28 Tony // May 24, 2009 at 7:25 am

    paulhb ..hitting the high notes is what trying out in am idol is all about showing your range
    they are told by all be them self show what you can do..

  • 29 Tony // May 24, 2009 at 7:30 am

    Vicky your 100 % right and i am 65 years old with a open mind lol but many people in chris world think some singers are devils and chris is a southern boy as they said on tv a Christian boy so he will be in different type of that music i done have any CD like that myself

  • 30 piper // May 24, 2009 at 10:20 am

    agree 100% to this article. Just realized that so many Kris’ fans respond to this article. I thought most blogs and threads often said Adam’s fans are the most active and vocal. Turns out to be wrong.

  • 31 Jebbica // May 24, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    Well, despite taking the counter argument to yours on most of my Idol posts, I am still torn about the decision. I think that both Kris and Adam are great talents and seem like really, really nice guys. Who would I want to see more in concert? Adam, of course. Who would I rather hear on the radio? Definitely Kris. It wasn’t the flamboyancy that did Adam in for me, though, because I love me some flamboyant and energetic guys. What got me voting for Kris was he was the underdog. It was the constant idol worship of Adam by the judges. It was the Adam Lambert Katy Perry cape. It was the freakin’ Adam Lambert cover of Entertainment Weekly. I don’t think that people didn’t vote for Adam because he may or may not be gay; I think it was because people don’t like being told what to think or who they should vote for, and the dark horse won the race. Regardless of who gets to wear the crown at the end, in a few months no one will even remember one as the winner or loser. I think both will go on to have amazing music careers, and I don’t want Kris to have to be stuck with the stigma of “the guy who stole the show from Adam Lambert”. I think he deserved it just as much.

  • 32 Mandi // May 25, 2009 at 1:57 am

    I totally agree with this article. I’m not going to sit here and criticize Kris, because he worked hard just like all the rest, but Adam definitely deserved the title…for whatever it’s worth. People just don’t get it….American Idol is politically corrupt, it’s really a shame. They use all the contestants as their pawns while their filling their pockets. It’s obvious that the voting was not fair and they really need to do something about that, but will they? I highly doubt it. Seems like the underdog always wins…and as the article mentions, Kris needed that title to “jump start” his career so to speak….Adam does not because he’s already a star in the making. Kris’s vocal range can not even begin to compare to Adam’s…hell no. I think they should leave the judging up top the judges….not all these teeny boppers who call in or text message for four hours straight…please, grow up. Arkansas had those GoPhones with the power voting??? You tell me that’s fair? I think not. Like I’ve said in other blogs, I sincerely congratulate Kris but truthfully, I’m kind of glad Adam did not win the title…this way he is free to accept any contracts as he chooses….after they are all through touring the U.S. that is. Kris will cut an album or two, but it’s Adam with the star power, the one who “wowed” the audience, the one who can sing ANYTHING from rock, blues, jazz and opera. Adam was gifted with a voice like that. We I watch American Idol again??? After 2003, when Clay lost to Ruben (another joke), I didn’t watch it until this year….half way through. The only reason why I watched it? Because of Adam of course.

  • 33 Mandi // May 25, 2009 at 2:08 am

    Oh, and I totally agree with you Tony. If it wasn’t for Adam, AI’s ratings wouldn’t have been so high. It’s all strategically planned who the winner is going to be, just like it always has been. Like I said before, AI is politically corrupt and these votes are not true votes. Thank God Adam doesn’t have to be under that “political thumb”! He has too much talent to be stuck in their grasp for the next few years.

  • 34 Mandi // May 25, 2009 at 2:13 am

    gypsy in the uk….well said!!!!!!!!!!

  • 35 Mandi // May 25, 2009 at 2:20 am

    And Adam does not “scream”…good God, do you Adam haters have any taste in music at all?????????? Do you see me typing….”Kris can’t hold a note”???…which he can’t. He’s a musican, not a singer. AI is a SINGING CONTEST. Get over yourselves and stop being so critical. I don’t care about your childish comebacks either. As a matter of fact, not sure why I bother to waste my time on here. Adam will be the star, you will SEE.

  • 36 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 4:13 am

    I agree..Kris will do well in his music genre supposedly, but with his singing, comes limitations. He’s not an entertainer with numerous abilities. He can sit, play his guitar and sing. Now..Adam, on the other hand, will have endless choices and possibilities to choose from. He will have diverse and limitless opportunities for a career. Now that is a star with talent. For those of u that think that Adam screams–Kris can’t do that with his voice-can he? U may think-why would he want to do that, but I say-why can’t he? Because he can’t sing as well as Adam, that’s why. Kris has a voice, and Adam has an instrument.

  • 37 Nat // May 25, 2009 at 4:27 am

    i find it so funny that all the people pro adam are so insulted with the fact that kris won. and they come on here to justify adam’s noise. i think that paulhb really did sum it up for u guys. great post!

    and u all obviously have zero taste in music. u just enjoy the show.

    good luck to adam. really. but dont turn him out to be freddy or something as great. if u do, ull just keep proving ur limited understanding of music.

  • 38 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 5:38 am

    I don’t need to justify anything about Adam actually. I knew from the moment I heard him sing, that he was the best I had ever seen on Idol. I am proud of Kris for winning the contest, just the same, because Adam will become a star regardless. What I can’t comprehend is the incredulity in which Kris supporters, actually believe him to be in the same category as Adam. There just isn’t any comparison. He may have won 1 battle, but Adam won the war.

  • 39 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 5:51 am

    and I too thought it was tasteless that Katy Perry had Adam’s name on her cape.

  • 40 Annie // May 25, 2009 at 8:27 am

    I really wanted Adam to win, he was the “it” performer for me this season of AI. Yes he did some “screamin” but this was his trademark, just as Kris did the slow, kind of funky sounds with his songs. They both did well in what they wanted to do for the show. I felt bad for Adam at first when they announced Kris as the winner, but now I realize that Adam has many opportunities to show his creativity. Kris will probably do well in his own right, and his style of music is what people listen to these days. So you can really love one performer over another, without bashing the AI winner at the end, just because it wasn’t who you wanted. It’s all good and we can still support our favorite, now that the season is over and they move on to their new careers.

  • 41 Tom Cat // May 25, 2009 at 8:50 am

    Well said Vicky. The thing that bothers me is that this is a singing talent show for someone who is versatile. Kris is not. He’s like Taylor Hicks.
    Also, we are to vote for the ” Best ” because he ot she is the best not because they are the underdog. Is Adam to be punished because the judges seem to pander towards him?

  • 42 Alexandra // May 25, 2009 at 11:22 am

    I believe that Kris was a better contestant than Adam. Halfway through the competiton, Adam knew that he was going to win. The judges (espically Simon)just made his head bigger by saying that he would win. I think that Adam just sang, and that was it. He didn’t put any effort in it. Adam didn’t get better as an artist. He was good from the beginning, and that’s the way he stayed. Kris started out as basically the boy-next -door. He grew as an artist. He worked for that title, and I believe that he deserves it.

  • 43 Kadiah // May 25, 2009 at 11:57 am

    So, having been a singer for years as a younger one, I appreciated the SINGING talent of Adam. Do you know how hard that it is to sing so soft and CONTROLLED at a very low volume. He can do it alll. Although Kris has sung well. When he get’s to his top register he stretches his throat. DOes no one see that that is an incorrect way of singing. EVERYTIME he got to the high register. Did you ever see Adam hit top notes before without screaming? YES..He is the IDOL of mine.

    And I am not GAY.

  • 44 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 7:26 pm

    Tom Cat- I agree that Adam was punished for being the best idol ever. As Americans, I don’t think we handle an injustice well, and so Adam not winning is wrong. Perhaps it’s because Adam didn’t have to struggle as much as Kris. Alexandra-the reason Adam didn’t appear to put an effort in his singing, was because he didn’t have to. He didn’t have to try, or work to get better, because he was already there. U said he started that way, well…he is that good! What Kris had to work hard for, was to try and catch up to Adam. So are u saying that Adam doesn’t deserve to win because he didn’t appear to struggle along the way? Mediocrity shouldn’t win because the struggle to get there is more difficult. Yes, Kris did get better as time went on.The best should have won.

  • 45 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Normally in any contest there is a competitor, a worthy opponent. A lot of people evidently couldn’t fathom the idea of a contestant, receiving his prize the easy way. So..then many people started supporting the underdog, in hopes of a fair fight, a deserving fate for the expected winner. Something he had to work for, and not be just handed. But sometimes, a contestant comes along that deserves the win, on pure talent. When the reality hit that Adam would not be defeated by an even contest, due to a lesser foe, those people out of spite, voted the underdog the winner. The next move in a chess game. Except the best singer lost, through no fault other than he had no comparable opponent. What’s great is that Adam took it as a true gentleman, and great sport.

  • 46 Tom Cat // May 25, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    Vicky: That is the best comeback I’ve seen submitted yet . Your take on this whole mess holds the truth to this outcome.

  • 47 vicki // May 25, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    and also,.. Adam didn’t tell the judges to praise him so profusely, or tell Entertainment Weekly to do a cover story on him, or Katy Perry to put his name on her cape, or ask u2 if he could sing, “One”, or invite “Kiss” and “Queen” to be on the finale,..on and on…these things came his way due to his singing talent. I think some people are blaming him for being talented, and they became jealous of his good fortune. Shame on those people thanks Tom Cat!

  • 48 BeeHive // May 26, 2009 at 3:18 am

    Vicki, you rock! Of all the comments I’ve read about this outcome yours are the best. May I add that I believe there are no true Kris Allen fans, only anti-Adam voters? They would have voted for whoever was against Adam in the finale. Notice that the majority of Kris’s so-called fans spell his name Chris? Some true fans, not. And anybody who comments that Adam screeches or screams is just BSing. Even minds as small as theirs recognize perfectly-in-pitch glory notes when they hear them.

    Kris is a nobody and he won’t even get 15 minutes of fame. Adam is an internationally acclaimed phenomenon who will headline sold-out arenas for the rest of his life.

    Anyone who claims to be a Kris Allen fan is flat-out lying. What they really are are anti-Adam – they fear the magnitude of his greatness because they are small, insecure, trembling feebs.

  • 49 brian // May 26, 2009 at 7:44 am

    this is toooooo funny. u adam followers are really ticked off. and are seriously bad losers! oh my!

  • 50 vicki // May 26, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Hey Brian- why was Kris not offered or shown all of the attention or adulation that Adam was? Would love to know a serious answer. Good post bee hive! People fear what they can’t comprehend. and… Brian, I personally consider u guys the bad sports, not us. We voted “for” a contestant based on his talent, not “against” a contestant, due to jealousy and fear.

  • 51 Anthony // May 26, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    Have you guys even heard of Kris’ studio versions of his songs? Either way, both contestants were great, and I believe that both would make great recording artists. People, stop comparing Adam to Kris, vice versa, and just accept the results. No matter how many blogs/articles you make, the results are the same, Kris already one, and just hope for the best that they make great records!

    Just for all you Adam Lambert fans out there:

    Round 1: Kris Allen
    Round 2: Adam Lambert
    Round 3 (according to their studio versions): Kris Allen

    Heard enough?

  • 52 Anthony // May 26, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    oops! Remove of between heard and Kris’

  • 53 Randy // May 26, 2009 at 9:31 pm

    Of course America did not get it right. I should have been Danny. Kris was the next best choice. I will admit that Adam is very talented but he is way over the top on his performances.

  • 54 brian // May 27, 2009 at 5:53 am

    vicky, most of us kris fans have admited that adam does have talent. you fail to say that kris is talented in how he turns the music his own.

    now if all you people really think that adam is the next freddy mercury, i would ask you to think again!!!

    adam is all bout glam rock! queen was not glam rock. it was pure rock. and the voice of adam screams. and when it doesnt scream, it whines. so no thanks! i seriously would never listen to that!

    i think kris is awesome. i do agree that adam has star presence. but thats it!!!!! a good show. sorry for disagreeing with you. and i think u have very bad music taste. if u r defending adam so much, u really must know bad music.

    just being honest. sorry if i sound rude.

  • 55 vicki // May 27, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    No u r not being rude. I just am tired of people not stating what is so blatantly obvious to the rest of the world. The best, and/or most talented singer did not win. Even Kris said so.There is no “it” factor with Kris. He’s mediocre, nothing special, and he has no stage presence at all. Sure he can sing fairly well, but so can a lot of other people. If u have not heard Adams’ studio recordings, then u should listen to them. U will hear that he offers more than stage presence.There are songs where “screaming” (as u call it) is a facet of a stage show for an entertainer, or a particular song, along with sets, lighting, costumes, or clothing. Since Kris will only be able to sit and sing, then those facets will be of no avail to him. Even if he made them part of a show, his voice will not be able to accomplish what Adam can do vocally, because he is not as good vocally. Adam on the other hand, is a performer. He doesn’t just sit. I don’t have bad taste in music either. I am into rock, classic rock, but also enjoy various other musical genres. The point of American Idol is to find the most talented singer. That is not Kris. I have nothing against him personally, but he’s not the best. I am not talking about my personal choice for a person, his cuteness, political affiliation, clothing, smile, or a type of music. I am talking about the most talented singer, who was suppose to be picked. I don’t think people were picking an idol objectively, on the basis of musical ability.

  • 56 vicki // May 27, 2009 at 3:06 pm

    I also think Danny was much better vocally than Kris.

  • 57 Jeannie // May 28, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    No, America did not get it right. I agree with vicky that whatever your music style preference, Adam is the more talented singer, and an amazing performer.
    I’ve read sev’l posts here and elswhere where ppl say they don’t like Adam as well as others, such as Allen or Gokey, b/c Adam “screams.” I just don’t know what to make of that. I love it to pieces when he “screams.” It gives me goose bumps and I really feel the emotions of the song deeply. Some just like softer music, I guess.
    I beleive Adam is a rare talent. Every week I tuned in for one reason only: to see what Adam was going to do to surprise me and move me this time!!
    I just love Adam. He’s the best thing that’s come along in a long time…

  • 58 vicki // May 28, 2009 at 6:27 pm

    And by the way..listen to old Beatles albums, and you’ll hear Paul McCartney “scream”! I love it, and so do millions of other people.

  • 59 Tom Cat // May 30, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    Can anyone tell me what the deal is with ATT phone getting accusations against them with the AI phone calls ?

  • 60 CAT // May 31, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    Adam was a much better performer and singer, but it’s okay because he can do his own thing now. He has offers from KISS and QUEEN. Kris is a nice person, but he will be a flash in the pan. I think that people should only be allowed to vote 10 times like other contests then there wouldn’t be this voter fraud type of thing. AT&T employees gave phones to people to text. They must have been up all night because Arkansas only has 2.8 mil people and there were 35 mil votes just from THAT STATE. Oh yeah, Kris is from ARKANSAS!

  • 61 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    AT&T is a sponsor of Am Idol. They supposedly gave the folks in Arkansas “go” phones, and held texting parties. They showed them how to block vote.These were not given to California people where Adam is from. I heard some of it was at the college where Kris attended. That type of block voting is illegal, and there is evidently a message stating that on American Idol. That’s all I know.

  • 62 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 5:19 pm

    tom cat-bring up The New York Times

  • 63 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 5:22 pm


  • 64 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 5:24 pm


  • 65 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 5:39 pm


  • 66 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 5:43 pm


    Tom cat-This is the NY Times article. Sorry I posted so many, but couldn’t find it at first! It seems to have comments in most newspapers.

  • 67 Tom Cat // May 31, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    Fraud, there is no other term for this!!!!!! Thanks for the reference points, Vicki. I heard bits of it on TV but up ’til now did not read any articles.
    35 million votes for a population of 2.8 million, do the math. This is clearly not a victory for the winner but a stain on the title for AI this year.
    Thanks, Cat for the info.
    If this block voting occurred the title should be revoked .

  • 68 Tom Cat // May 31, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Is there a site I can post a complaint directly to the AI ?

  • 69 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 11:45 pm

    I don’t know about that. If u come up with one, let me know too! I do know that most major newspapers are running something in reference to it.

  • 70 vicki // May 31, 2009 at 11:57 pm

    What bothers me the most is that major corporations are supposedly behind the scenes, making decisions for us. We are suppose to be a democracy, and ethically it’s wrong to influence voters, due to their powerful positions. Its a slippery slope us Americans are on, if it increasingly gains momentum, pitting one group against another, with an uneven playing field.

  • 71 brian // Jun 1, 2009 at 5:21 am

    KISS bassist and vocalist Gene Simmons was less effusive about musical theatre actor Lambert in the wake of the Idol final.

    “Respectfully, I don’t think Adam is a rock singer,” Simmons wrote in a question-and-answer post on his website.

    “He sounds much more convincing singing ballads, and Broadway shows,” Simmons said. “His voice doesn’t seem to have a ‘rock quality.’ But, I’m sure he’s going to do just fine.” Reuters.

    now deal with it!

  • 72 brian // Jun 1, 2009 at 11:06 am


    even if Adam does join Queen, please remember that Queen is past! Freddy was Queen. Adam would shoot himself in the leg if he joins.


    someone noted a comparison with the Beatles! Seriously?! Talk about people knowing NOTHING about music. Kinda sad, really.

    But anyhow. Whatever.

  • 73 // Jun 1, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    Well personally I am not an Adam fan. Never have been & probably never will be. And to clear up the air it is not because I am homophobic and all that. (For crying out loud, we gotta stop playing that card.) His style has never been to my liking just as I’m sure some of my faves won’t be to yours. Honestly I think that he has more fans than Kris for sure. In retrospect, I think it only took one thing that would determine the title for Kris. Danny fans for sure voted for Kris. How do I know?..Well frankly I am one of them. Am I glad? You bet your arse I am! But remember that will not determine Adam’s success. He is gonna go far. Don’t be dismayed. :)
    PS. American Idol fan, miss hearing from you!

  • 74 Jeannie // Jun 1, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    Adam has one of the very best voices ever. He’s been compared to Steve Perry, Freddie Murphy, and I don’t now who else off-hand. Queen is an aging rock band. As far as I know, they would have a difficult, if not impossible, time to try to replace Freddie Murphy. They are nothing w/out a fantastic front man. They would be so lucky as to get Adam even on an occasional basis. They can’t find anyone to take Freddie’s place, but Adam can do it, as we saw. Queen would be good for Adam as a starting point, to do a few gigs to raise some money, so he has $ to invest in his own creations, to produce an album. Adam needs and wants an oppurtunity to be his own man, do his own thing, not sing somebody eles’s songs. Adam wants to invent himself, and his own unique style. Most ppl are talking like it $$$ grows on trees. Remember that HE LOST: what he lost was the $Million, the tech support, a publicist, access to hi quality studio time, a pre-arranged solo tour, access to musicians, and heaven knows what else — it’s not just a title he lost. He lost the launching pad. Now he has to do it on his own, w/out the help of AI. I believe he will succeed, and that he benefited greatly from the exposure AI has given him, but don’t kid yourself – what he lost , and what he deserved, does matter. It would have helped him on his journey to superstardom.
    That’s why I just can’t go along with the camp that believes that “so what, he lost.”

  • 75 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 6:13 am

    Brian-I was not making any comparison to Paul McCartney himself. I was trying to point out that other successful artists scream (as some folks call it) while per-
    forming. Jeanie-bravo. With any win there are substantial perks and rewards to winning, and it does matter.

  • 76 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 8:59 am


    the comparison is ridiculous.

    how old r u? and im sure u have the cheesiest music in ur ipod!

  • 77 Tom Cat // Jun 2, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Brian : What a cheap comeback ! Are you the music guru ? My music ranges from classic to current hits all on my Ipod !!!!!!
    I also think Adam was the winner. If the only defense is that he was ” screaming ” you need to review the success of some of the rappers music with their screaming and volguar lyrics.

  • 78 Tom Cat // Jun 2, 2009 at 9:47 am

    Oops , spelled vulgar wrong.

  • 79 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 10:42 am

    Well…. lets see what cd’s I have in my collection to your liking. I love music, and have been an avid collector of all kinds of music through the years. Again…I was not comparing Adam to Paul McCartney, but only pointing out that other artists “scream” while on stage. I have Journey, ACDC, Beatles,The Who, Elvis, Jackson 5, Fleetwood Mac, Eric Clapton, Uriah Heep, Eagles, Aerosmith, Boston, Mellencamp, John Denver, Styx, Joe Cocker, Loverboy, Janis Joplin, Kenny Loggins, Sammy Hagar, John Lennon, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Guns and Roses, Poison, Led Zepplin, Lynyard Skynyrd, Stray Cats, Grass Roots,Cheap Trick, Kansas,, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, Joan Biaz, The Animals, Allman Brothers band, Foreigner, America, Jim Croce, Kid Rocks newer stuff, Steve Miller Band, The Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Kiss, Queen, Pink Floyd, Peter, Paul & Mary, Madonna, Bad Company, Alabama, Bon Jovi, Springsteen, country, love blues music, BB King, dixieland, show-tunes, gospel, and even stuff like Brittney Spears and Backstreet Boys! As u can tell, I’m partial to classic rock, because that’s what I grew up with. No,.. I won’t share my age! Anyhow, u don’t have to get snooty with people. Are u the king of musical critique!? People have different tastes in music ya know.

  • 80 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    Yes. People have various music likes. But you and this tomcat here seem to talk as if Adam should have won. No reasoning.

    Adam does SCREAM. and in a very Broadway annoying way. And when he does not scream. He whines. and It is SUPER annoying. To me. And to many others.

    What has bothered me here is that you two seem to be keen on confronting the fact that he lost. And are trying to find illogical reasons.
    He lost the game. Over. He succeeds in his career, that is another story! Time will tell. Glam rock is so dead. I dont think he is much of anything else.

    So enough with this BS. Really. It reflects Adam’s fans as pure sore losers. Being blunt here. Thats all.

    You listen to Pink Floyd? Hmmmmm…. Post 1984? I’m more than sure you like Pulse or stuff like that : )


    Anyhow. See you season 9!

  • 81 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 2:15 pm

    Ps, Tomcat… I am in the music biz! Sorry!

    But you do not need to know who I am, and what I have produced. I’ll just let you know that I know a thing or two more than you do about the industry.

    Now, enough said. Farewell, all….

  • 82 Tom Cat // Jun 2, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    I am soooooooooo impressed with your credentials!!!!! This does not make you an authority in other peoples tastes in music, which is what we were addressing. We did, however give you the opportunity to brag about your music biz .
    The BS is your baggage!

  • 83 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 4:38 pm

    Touche’ Tom Cat. I find it so refreshing to have the likes of Daughtery, Carrie Underwood, and Lambert on American Idol! I don’t like the show when it’s bubble gum performers, ya know? Next season I hope we have another rocker, and great performer like Adam, because I thoroughly enjoyed the show this time. I can’t wait until “Rolling Stone” comes out featuring Adam!!!!! Brian-pre 1984!!!! Lol

  • 84 Tom Cat // Jun 2, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    PS, Brian—— I want you to know what an honor it was for me to have conversed with a music icon such as yourself! It amazes me that a person as renowned as you finds time to blog on this site. Kudos to you!

  • 85 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    I log on sometimes, tomcat. ; ) Blogs are always an interesting way to feel what people want. Does it bother you that much that I do not like Adam? Had I liked him, I am sure you would be all about spoting me, etc. Sad. Very.

    If I were to show off, I would make it known who and what I am. Nothing too special, buddy, but I have my share.

    And vicky, the fact that you do not understand that Pink Floyd is PRE 1984 (ie Roger Waters) speaks volumes of your musical understanding.

    Not sure why I am still writing here. But the two of you (or is it one entity) are too ridiculous to ignore!

  • 86 Tom Cat // Jun 2, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    No, you can’t stand the fact that you are so transparent . We aren’t ridiculous and it beguiles you that we find your rhetoric so juvenile .
    Your bragging defines who you are.

  • 87 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    what bragging tomcat?
    the fact that i told you what i do for a living? grow up, kiddo….. this is funny.

  • 88 Tony // Jun 2, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    Brian , you sound like a 2nd grader. ” Grow UP “,
    That is a 50’s comeback.
    Tom Cat , you nailed it !!!!!

  • 89 brian // Jun 2, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    so, tony tomcat and vicky are one person.


  • 90 Tony // Jun 2, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    Your analogy escapes me . I’m a nuclear physicist, and like you I still find time to blog instead of solving the secrets of the universe.

  • 91 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 10:52 pm

    LOL Brian, I am a completely separate entity, believe it or not! Try to get used to the idea, that several of us like Adam. Feel free to consolidate us all together, if u must. To appease the logical side of your brain, I understand why u must do so. It’s obvious to me that u can’t comprehend the vast numbers of Adam supporters there actually are. I also have concluded that u know he should have won, on talent, and this u can’t admit!

  • 92 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 11:02 pm

    Brian-this is why I wrote pre-1984! Because it was such an obvious, and nonsensical question and answer.Was your “trap” used to belittle me, and give your ego a boost? Such a “little” man.

  • 93 vicki // Jun 2, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    Tony, yes it does seem that we are speaking to a child!

  • 94 Ella // Jun 2, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    Good article and Vicki and Tom Cat – good posts! Brian, what is your problem, didn’t you favorite win? I still have to hear from you as an “expert” why Adam was on EW cover, why Kiss and Queen came to perform with him and why Slash came on the show? Maybe to jam with Kris? And how come Adam was the FIRST on AI history to sing Led Zeppelin? Maybe because he “screams” well?

  • 95 Ella // Jun 3, 2009 at 12:09 am

    One more thing: the runner up on AI will have the same priviliges as the “winner” and that’s what Adam said himself: he already has producers lined up and working on his record. (I can’t wait!) See his interview to EW, it’s wonderful http://www.ew.com/ew/package/0,,20007164_20174011,00.html?bcpid=3887239001&bclid=3343000001&bctid=24448789001. Oh and the rumor has it that Adam signed up already with RCA which worked with David Cook and Kris signed with Jive (I think), which worked with David Archuletta. Good luck to both!

  • 96 vicki // Jun 4, 2009 at 7:21 pm

    Hey Tom Cat-u think it’s possible that we rendered Brian speechless?

  • 97 Tony // Jun 4, 2009 at 7:30 pm

    Can’t believe I’m conversing with my own ” entity ” : ) , but yes, he took a verbal beating !

  • 98 Hoggy // Jun 15, 2009 at 2:17 am

    Adam does not scream, people. I have heard screaming in music, and I absolutlely hate it. I absolutely LOVE Adam Lambert. He does not scream, people! He hits notes so, so high that you people don’t have a name for them, so you decide to bash him and say that he screams. He doesn’t do it all the time, y’know. If you actually watched his performances, you’d see that he doesn’t “scream” all the time. He didn’t “scream” in both performances of “Mad World,” “Tracks of My Tears,” or his audition. And in nearly all of his pre-Idol performances, like in Wicked and at the Upright Cabaret, he didn’t “scream.” And I know that I could listen to him forever. Once, during Idol, I didn’t listen to anything but Adam for 5 weeks. When his CD comes out, man, you’d have to literally pry my fingers off of my iPod and change it, within the first 3 months his CD came out. And there’s a TON of Glamberts exactly like me, if not even more crazed.

  • 99 Tom Cat // Jun 15, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    Yes , Tony & Vicki , we shut Brian down!!!!!!!!

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