DialIdol has been wrong in the past, voting Kris Allen off numerous times. But they’ve also been right. So when I checked their predictions earlier, I had expected an Adam Lambert landslide. However, they have deemed it “too close to call”…but it’s Kris Allen who has the slight edge! I won’t be surprised at all if Adam gets it, but I’ve been kind of wondering all along if the judges have been building up Lambert solely to bring about massive amounts of watercooler talk. Can you imagine the “shocker” if Allen wins? Then Idol will have the momentum to survive another season. I guess we’ll find out who will get it at 10:07 pm EST!
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2 responses so far ↓
1 amanda // May 20, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Its the last time we watch Idol. Adam Lambert was far and away more talented, has more promise, charisma and the gift. There’s Elvis, Michael, and Adam. The show is obviously flawed. Being a nice guy like Kris doesn,t make you the best. Last season I,ll watch.
2 Jonathan // May 26, 2009 at 10:48 pm
amanda, what are you 12?
The show is flawed because your favorite didn’t win? Give me a break.
Kris deserved to win. I’ll take Kris’ voice any day over Adam’s screeching.
American Idol will miss you. (please note the sarcasm in my typing)
I’m sure you think the whole world is out to get you too, right?
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