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The American Idol Final Winner will be a David, but which one

May 21st, 2008 -- by America Idol Fan -> · 4 Comments

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America Idol Fan

The American Idol Final Winner will be a David, but which one?American Idol Winner 5-21-08 May 21, 2008

The American Idol show raped up it competition part last night on May 20, 2008. Tonight from 8 PM til 10PM EST we will see performances from a wide variety of celebrities, all of the Top 12, group songs, individual songs, and around 9:50 ish Ryan Seacrest will announce which David is the American Idol Season 7 winner.

Based on the Judges comments, and Simon Cowell’s overt statements it would seem that David Archuleta is a show in for the title. But Wait, According to DialIdol predictions which has been accurate in the past, David Cook has a 10 percentage point lead over David A.

Could it be a revolt against Simon’s Comments? Could the Teeny bopper fan base, slowed their role, and thought it was a shoe in and were not as aggressive in their voting efforts? Could the people that rarely vote finally got on the phone to call in for David Cook?

Humm.  The Dial Idol predictions make this one horse race even more interesting, to find out if David Cook will bring in the upset.

But then again, since we never see the actual vote totals, the amount of votes per contestant never revealed and the Idol producers can pick whomever they want to be voted off American Idol, then it would appear to be a David Archuelta victory.

But then again, you never know what is going through the minds of the producers and the back end deals and the Money factors that truly make up decisions.

The only thing we can be sure of this evening is the the winner will be a David, whether it is David Cook or David Archuleta will be known tonight. Either way a great champion will be crowned, and we should all be satisfied that this years champ deserved to win, and the runner-up is assured a great musical career as well.

Tune in tonight for the results, Let us know who you think will win! and Who did you vote for?


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Tags: American Idol News · American Idol Updates · David Archuleta · David Cook

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 sasha // May 21, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    i really hope David Archuleta wins! I voted for him!!!! oh and I got tickets to the AI concert! Soo excited!

  • 2 tiana // May 21, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    I really pray that Archuleta wins he has been the best the whole season so he deserves it unless American idol is not the search of the best singer.

  • 3 tyler // May 21, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    i really hope that david archuleta wins he is the better vocalist and deserves to win. i voted 201 times GO ARCHULETA

  • 4 Chad // May 21, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    David Archuleta smashed David Cook to pieces in the final last night. The kid has it all – the looks, the voice, the moves. If he doesnt win, there’s something wrong with the voting system.

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