It’s the first round of voter eliminations, as two girls and two guys prepare to go home. But, who will it be? Stay tuned to find out!
8:05 p.m. The top 24 do a medley from the ’60s. They all looked cute, but these people don’t sound well together so far!
28 million people voted this week! Sus-pense!!!
8:15 p.m.: Recap of the boys’ performances. C’mon already!
Do they wait until 9:00 p.m. to reveal anything? I may be too impatient for this show. Garrett Haley is the first one kicked off. We here at Idol Mania are definitely not surprised! Now after he hits all the TV interview circuits hopefully he can get some of that rest that Simon thought he so desperately needed.
8:25 p.m.: Recap of the girls’ performances. Ryan fakes out Kristy Lee Cook, but the first girl leaving is Amy Davis. I hope American Idol Fan dude put money on his “Voted Off” chart, because so far he is two for two!
8:35 p.m.: We’re subjected to Paula’s crappy wonderful new song “Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow.” As much as I want to hate it, it’s kinda catchy. Though, the completely machanical voice…what does that say to the contestants? Hey guys, you don’t really have to be a good singer once you get famous! It’s all about making money and selling records, after all, but I digress!
8:40 p.m.: Joanne Borgella and Amanda Overmyer are hanging in limbo until the next commercial break. I’m putting $10 on Amanda staying!
8:45 p.m.: Where’s my money?! Joanne Borgella gets sent home. I liked her, but her performance last night wasn’t the greatest. At least she has being a beautiful plus-sized model who won a reality show with Mo’nique to fall back on….
8:55 p.m.: It comes down to Colton Berry and Chikezie Eze. Colton Berry is sent home, and Chikezie is safe! The big shocker of the night! He tries desperately to sing his final song without crying.
Best of luck to the ones voted off, and let’s hope to see better performances in the coming weeks!
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6 responses so far ↓
1 America Idol Fan // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:12 pm
There were 28 Million votes received for the boys and girls performance shows.
The sound at the beginning of the Medleys sounded way off, but both the girls and the boys did look good together. I guess the sound guy got it fixed pretty quick.
Can’t wait to here who is voted off American Idol
Will my predictions of Amy Davis and Chikezie Eze come true, along with Garrett Haley and Joanne Borgella getting the voted off nod tonight?
2 America Idol Fan // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Garrett Haley Gone voted off American Idol, 1 down 3 to go. Will I get it 100% tonight …
3 America Idol Fan // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Amy Davis Voted off American Idol – so far two for two… Say by to Joanne Borgella to make it a 3 for 3 night after the break….
4 America Idol Fan // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:00 pm
I’ll take 3 out of 4 any day on Elimination Predictions. I had Colton Berry edging out Chikieze, but Colton Berry was Voted Off tonight…
5 American Idol Season 7 Live Blog Recap of the Winners « Random Thoughts // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:44 am
[...] read more | digg story [...]
6 Rsven // Feb 23, 2008 at 12:37 pm
Hay what up
i did not want Joanne 2 get voted off
but i cant comlain because i didnt vote:(
i cant belive she got voted off
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