Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol Judge Simon Cowell Defends His comments and Judges

January 24th, 2007 -- by America Idol Fan -> · No Comments

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America Idol Fan

A lot has been written lately about the American Idol Judges comments as being harsh and brutal to the wannabe Idols that Audition. Simon defends his comments and the American Idol Simon Cowell and Idol Auditionsother AI Judges.

The judges, especially Simon Cowell, are just too mean this time around, the complainers say, not only laughing at hopefuls for their delusional belief that they can sing but also making cruel fun of their physical appearance, crushing souls as well as aspirations.

“On Season 1, Simon was saying, ‘You’re a terrible singer. You shouldn’t open your mouth,’ ” executive producer Ken Warwick told TV critics meeting in Pasadena. “And there was uproar. . . . Now, it just goes on from there. That’s Simon.”
Paula Abdul, the “nice judge,” added: “He says things that are shocking and funny, and you feel bad for laughing, but the thing is, he’s never changed.”

“Listen,” said judge Randy Jackson. “It’s what happens. It’s what we do.”

Cowell himself, though, apparently experienced a moment of humanity during the Q&A session, especially when asked about his insults to a young man with unusually large eyes.

I take your point, which is that it’s a singing competition, and why should I call American Idol Simon Cowell Harsh Commentssomeone — I think it was a ‘bush baby.’ We’ve never tried to censor this show. And there are times, trust me, when I watch it back and I just think, ‘God, I wish I hadn’t have said that, and why do they put it in the show?’ But . . . I feel more comfortable being on a show where we are prepared to show the warts as well as the good things.”

Beyond the cruelty question, the session turned into something of a lovefest as Cowell, Jackson, Warwick and host Ryan Seacrest all rallied around Abdul, who has been the subject of tabloid and YouTube speculation about apparently eccentric behavior.

Cowell even wanted to make it clear that a 40-minute delay in starting the session wasn’t because of Abdul. “It was my fault. I flew in late from London, so I apologize.”

The one thing that I noticed that is different from American Idol 5 to the current American Idol 6 (2007 version) is the editing of the show. We know there are hours and hours of taping during the grueling audition performances at each location. However what we are shown on Fox each evening seems to have taken on a life of it’s own. In the past we saw quirkiness, funny antics, some what the Hell moments and so real talent. This season so far with the 3 auditions of Seattle, Minneapolis, and Memphis the editing has shown more mean spirit or Going show gawking as it’s highlights than the real talent.

We are only shown a select few of the Idols that make it to Hollywood and more of the Wannbe rejects and negative comments. In the past seasons the focus was more on the talent, rather than the odd or strange. Let’s hope the Editing process gets back to it’s roots and delivers the Good the Bad and less of the Ugly!

What’s your take?


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