After a record breaking 122 MILLION votes coming into Idol for the finale, we now know who our winner is. Or maybe you don’t, and that’s why you’re here? Who knows! But, before we got to find out who the winner is, there was tons of finale pomp and circumstance to go over. And by [...]
American Idol 10: Season Finale Results Show Recap
May 26th, 2011 · 8 Comments
Tags: American Idol Updates
American Idol San Francisco Recap 2-9-11
February 10th, 2011 · No Comments
Ahh yes, San Francisco California. There are a lot of stereotypes for that place. BUT, is talent one of them? I’m not sure. I seriously hoped, last night, that there would be some goodies. And if they’re weren’t… I was boycotting American Idol for the rest of the season. Oh, aha, we know that’s not [...]
Tags: American Idol Auditions