May 25th, 2011 by Cait -> · 2 Comments
Oh my god ya’ll. It’s almost the FINALE of American Idol 2011. Who’s totally excited for this? I know I am. I just think it’s the coolest thing that we have 2 country kids (legit KIDS) in the final and they get to battle it out. It’s pimp! Anyway, before we find out who actually gets to take the Idol Crown, we have to have another one of these performance nights. Eeeeeeven though I’m pretty sure we’re all sick of hearing these kids sing. They start to sound redundant after awhile, true? [Read more →]
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May 24th, 2011 by Cait -> · No Comments
Top 2: Scotty McCreery “Check Yes Or No” – VIDEO
It’s May 24th and it’s time for the American Idol face off. No, nobody’s face is falling off, but Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina are battling out to see who is going to be the winner of American Idol 10. This is probably the cutest Top 2 ever, although I still think it sucks Haley got voted off. Tonight each of our last contestants to go sing a couple of songs each, which means a song and boring show. YAY! Who else is excited for this? [Read more →]
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