Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery – RECAP

May 25th, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 18 Comments

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Oh my god ya’ll. It’s almost the FINALE of American Idol 2011. Who’s totally excited for this? I know I am. I just think it’s the coolest thing that we have 2 country kids (legit KIDS) in the final and they get to battle it out. It’s pimp! Anyway, before we find out who actually gets to take the Idol Crown, we have to have another one of these performance nights. Eeeeeeven though I’m pretty sure we’re all sick of hearing these kids sing. They start to sound redundant after awhile, true?

Here is my recap of the night, and be sure to leave your comments on what YOU think, in the comments section below!

First off, the show started out utterly dramatic with scenes from past Idol experiences and our 2 current contenders auditions. I can’t be the only one tired of seeing their auditions. But we got to see who has won in the past, and even a random shot of David Archuleta in the audience… which I found hilarious because not only did he not win, but we haven’t heard from him in forever.

Can we have some performances already?

Scotty McCreery Performances:

Song 1. This was contestants choice. Meaning they got to pick out one of their favourite songs from this season that they had previously performed. Scotty’s fav song of the season was when he sang “Gone (like a freight train)” by Montgomery Gentry. He did do really good and he seemed like he was actually trying tonight. He also sang a bit higher which proved he’s not just a one note. I don’t remember him doing this song before… but it was good.

Song 2. The contestants got to have THEIR Idol pick out a song for them. So, Scotty’s Idol, George Strait picked “Check Yes Or No.” I wasn’t a huge fan of this. But it was okay. It was kind of fitting for Scotty I suppose. I liked how he changed clothes though… to another pair of jeans and another boring shirt. Aha. It’s cute because Lauren goes all out in her outfits.

Song 3. This song was what songs will be the contestants possible Singles, if they win. They were written just for the contestants to try and define who they are. Well, all I have to say is, if this song “I Love You This Big” defines Scotty, I’m big sad for him. The song didn’t make any sense. And the sentence, “I love you this big” is like something my 5 year old sister would say to me because she’s not big literate in stuff. Wait, did I just insult my sister? Oh crap! Yeah, well, I was disappointed with this song.

Scotty McCreery “Gone” – VIDEO

Scotty McCreery “Check Yes Or No” – VIDEO

Scotty McCreery “I Love You This Much” – VIDEO

Lauren Alaina Performances:

Song 1. This was contestants choice. Meaning they got to pick out one of their favourite songs from this season that they had previously performed. Lauren chose “Flat On The Floor” by Carrie Underwood. Since Lauren’s Vocal Chords were a bit stressed and strained, you could kind of hear it in her performance, but she still did good. And I was glad that she was having fun with it. However, her stylist really needs to cut down on those extensions. She doesn’t need that much hair or that much sparkly clothing either.

Song 2. The contestants got to have THEIR Idol pick out a song for them. So, Lauren’s Idol Carrie Underwood picked out “Maybe It Was Memphis” by Pam Tillis. I wasn’t a fan of this at all. But, her boots were totally rad. I want a pair. Just… she can keep the dress.

Song 3. This song was what songs will be the contestants possible Singles, if they win. They were written just for the contestants to try and define who they are. Her song was “Like My Mother Does” which had to have been the most perfect song for her EVER. I couldn’t have thought of a better song. She sang to her Mom… it was so cute. Like J-Lo said… that might have won her the whole thing.

Lauren Alaina “Flat On The Floor” – VIDEO

Lauren Alaina “Maybe It Was Memphis” – VIDEO

Lauren Alaina “Like My Mother Does” – VIDEO

Guest Performances:
Tiao Cruz “Positive” … I didn’t really pay attention to.
David Cook “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” he sang this as an Idol Tribute, I suppose. And for Jebbica’s information, I don’t think he’s cool. I just think he’s better than Kris Allen and all those inadequate weezlez you like. MUAAHHAHAHA!

Random Observations:

Was it weird for David Archy to watch David Cook perform on stage?

Lauren looks so much more like her Dad than I originally thought.

Scotty seems like a real gentlemen. Seriously!

Lauren almost dropped out, and they were rehearsing Haley, but all went well… and according to Rumors, Haley is a real b****. Who knew?

If the contestants got to have their songs picked by their Idols, does this mean this is who they will perform with tomorrow night?

So, people, what are you thoughts? Did you like the show? And according to the judges, Lauren won the night. But, we clearly know that no one likes the judges, so Scotty will probably take home the Mirror Ball Trophy. Oh wait, I’m thinking of the wrong show. Baha.

Leave your comments and thoughts in the comment section below.


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18 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jim raines // May 25, 2011 at 4:37 am

    scotty should win but you never know both did good good luck to both of them

  • 2 shirley // May 25, 2011 at 7:04 am

    You are right as far as the song that was written for Scotty I think they are trying to get him to lose and that sucks because he is such a great singer.

  • 3 Tom Cat // May 25, 2011 at 10:54 am

    I think they set Scotty up to fail . That song stunk !!!
    The judges did a praise report on Lauren then they uped the drama by bringing in a doctor to talk about her vocal chords ! This way if she performed poorly they had a built in excuse for her. I like Lauren but all this was bogus !!!!!!

  • 4 Scotty Fan // May 25, 2011 at 11:44 am

    Go Scotty, so much better than the rest all season. Don’t think America will be fooled by the very obvious attempt by the producers to sway the vote, it was so obvious they should have just put up a sign. Anyway still think Scotty will win, if not to bad idol is choosing who wins and not the voting public. Not that I don’t like Lauren as well, but she is so out classed.

  • 5 Cait // May 25, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    I agree. It was horrid. I hope Scotty wins even though they want Lauren too. But, maybe they think that Lauren needs to win more, due to the fact that I’m pretty sure Scotty’s going to be big anyway. He’s better off without that idol curse.

  • 6 ScottyisinittoWINit! // May 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    I am rooting for Scotty! I have loved him since day one! I like Lauren, but, she really lacks the confidence and can’t handle the criticism, and that is important when going into this industry. She should not be named American Idol 2011, it should truly go to Scotty! One thing I really admire about Scotty and Lauren is, that they both sing COUNTRY! We need more country singers in this world! So Amen to the both of them for that! Good luck Scotty, I will be watching tonight!!!!

  • 7 Jessica // May 25, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    LAUREN is the best by far, Scotty sounds just like ever other country male singer. We need someone new and that sounds different. Lauren has way more to offer, and although she is young she has grown so much already. Scotty is to cocky, who wants that in an idol.

  • 8 Karlee // May 25, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Scotty is the best singer ever on amercain idol not only is he a good singer but he is very hot

  • 9 Scotty Fan // May 25, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    Cocky, Wow he’s the most humble one on the show this year, now Haley was cocky.

  • 10 Jebbica // May 25, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    I’m pretty sure Scotty is going to nail Lauren tonight (that’s what she said). If I wasn’t live blogging, there is going to be an epic finale watch party at the Mackensie Arena in Chattanooga tonight, because everyone around here is Lauren obsessed. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll still see it on the news…I wonder what is going to happen when they announce Scotty as the winner? Possible rioting in the streets, I am not even kidding.

    I think they showed Archuleta as a cautionary tale to Lauren. This is what happens when you have stage parents. Lauren’s mom and David’s dad should get together and have their own show. It could be Toddlers and Tiaras 2, with Archie as the toddler and Lauren as the tiara.

    And you are mean! Kris Allen OWNS David Cook. I don’t see Kris Allen butchering iconic 80s songs. But what do I know, I only run a music site and magazine, lol.

  • 11 Tom Cat // May 25, 2011 at 5:36 pm

    Cocky ?????? You better look that up in the dictionary because this clearly does NOT define who he is or what we have seen of him.

  • 12 Jebbica // May 25, 2011 at 5:37 pm


  • 13 Scotty Fan // May 25, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    All most all the polls I’ve looked at have Scotty winning by a 70 / 30 margin, we’ll see could be more.

  • 14 Cait // May 25, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    Lauren’s Mom really has been scaring me lately.

    And so? Just because you own a music site and magazine doesn’t mean I have to agree. I don’t agree with everything Rolling Stone puts out and they hold some authority.

    However, my friend and I are going to start a music thing. We had something going a LONNGGGGG time ago, but need to make it pimp. I can be your competition. I HEAR A BATTLE COMINGGGGG!

    Nah, you’re way ahead of me, and a better writer… BUT I STILL HEAR IT. Let me have my moment. Kthx.

  • 15 Jebbica // May 25, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    I was only kidding. But seriously….noooooo don’t be my competition! I already only make like $0 a week, I can’t afford to make less. Just you and your friend come join me and you can help make it popular since you’re all young and stuff and know the internetz like it’s an extension of your arm.

  • 16 Jebbica // May 25, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    And Dang it! *McKenzie

  • 17 Reece // May 25, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    They do this every year. What they do is they have the best out of the two get second and the other one get first i think Scotty should win but thats my opinoin!

  • 18 Liz Garcia // May 25, 2011 at 7:10 pm

    I love Scotty, I chose him frOm the beginning and I really hope he wins! We already have Carrie as female country singer how about a male country singer for once??

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