Top 3: Scotty McCreery “Amazed” – VIDEO
It’s down to the Top 3 this week. Oh wow, does that sentence contradict itself. Lolz. Anyway, the Mentor this week was the lovely Beyonce who didn’t make Scotty do any kind of Single Ladies dancing, which completely broke my heart. I think with those creepy gawking looks and some epic dance moves would really make people like him a bit more.
This week Scotty McCreery decided to go with some “Amazed” by Lonestar.
Judges thoughts…
J-Lo: “Vibrato, vibrato, vibrato.”
Randy: “It was a great song choice, I produced a version of that song for Boys II Men years ago. Scotty’s got money.”
Steven: “I think you just keep getting better and better.”
Here is the video of Scotty McCreery performing “Amazed” on American Idol.
What are your thoughts on Scotty McCreery tonight? Did you vote for him? Or will he get voted off idol? Comment below!
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4 responses so far ↓
1 Shirley // May 18, 2011 at 11:26 pm
Scotty you are the one! With your unique voice, sense of humor, you are a winner! I love to see you speak honestly about things…and how much you believe!
I just hop the judges and America don’t start voting for the ones with the best looks more than the voices!
They did that a lot, and were drooling over Laurens dress more than talking about her singing!
Keep it up Scotty!
2 Shirley // May 18, 2011 at 11:41 pm
I loved all the songs you sang tonight.
You don’t need to get better and better you have it already Scotty!
And I am Amazed by you!!
3 afash // May 19, 2011 at 9:25 am
You are a complete WINNER in my book Scotty! I have loved you from the audition you gave. I am 61, and I am proud to see a young man with morrals and standards, who is not ashamed of his love for Jesus. Let people laugh if they may, but it blesses my heart to see a wholesome, good spririted, clean cut, young man sing without cursing and grabbing his crotch while he sings. You just be you Scotty, and keep your faith in God. You are a breath of fresh air in this sinful world we live in and I know God has great things ahead for you, because you are not ashamed to be who you are, and that is a Christian. SEE YOU AT THE FINALS SCOTTY!
4 Liz // May 19, 2011 at 1:44 pm
Scotty, Scotty, Scotty. I really think you should be the one to win this. You and Jacob were my favorites and I recorded every one of your performances. But Jacob got voted off and now at least I’ve got you. You have such a great personaility on stage and last night to me you were GREAT. You weren’t jumping all over the place and fall (ha,ha) or missed your words (or whatever they said happened) You were just PERFECT. Keep that smile of yours and hope American doesn’t get it wrong AGAIN!!!!!! Everyone, please vote for Scotty. He’s in and he’s got to WIN it.
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