Who got voted off American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Top 11 Redux Results – RECAP

April 1st, 2011 -- by Cait -> · 16 Comments

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RESULTS SHOW BOYS AND GIRLS. Who was excited to see 2 people get their hopes and dreams crushed in one night? I mean, it was double the fun, and double the saddness… which obviously makes me double-happeh. Muahaha.

So, my predictions to be in the Bottom 3 were, Naima Adedapo, Casey Abrams and Paul McDonald. Let’s see what happens.

First of all I’d just like to point out; this was one of the worst episodes ever. Now, on to the recap (in semi-chronological order).

Ryan Seacrest 86′d that rapist hair he was sportin’ the night before. Thank god. But, he was still looking stupid as ever. Anyway. He immediately warned us they were changing things up tonight. That basically means nothing. They always try to surprise us… but we’re too smart for that crap! Wait no, maybe there are some sneaky surprises. Because then he tells us Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery are going to duet. This is fabulous news for me as I’ve wanted them to Duet for awhile now. YAY.

They did a really good version of “I Told You So”… Lauren was calm, and Scotty wasn’t deep-throating air. They both conformed to the other and it was rather nice. I liked it! And not long after, Ryan brings them up on the big stage and tells them they are both safe. OBVIOUSLY we knew this.

Just when I was getting excited because I figured out there was no Group Performance… the Ford Music Video came on. Ugh! Naima looked cool with creepy eyes. And that’s all I’ll say about that.

Speaking of Naima; her and Jacob Lusk performed a Duet singing “Solid”. Who thinks that was total $*** compared to Scotty and Lauren? What was Naima doing following Jacob around, when clearly he was running from her? Ryan then says Naima was in the Bottom 3.

Remember that chick who won American Idol a millennium ago, and recently overdosed on Aspirin after finding out she was pregnant with another woman, mans baby? Yeah? Fantasia Borrino! She sang about Chicken, Cornbread, Love and some kind of Greens. Aha. She should do a KFC Commercial. OH SNAP, you dih-ent? That performance was unbearable, redundant, and a waste of time. NEXT!

We then get an okay version of “Teenage Dream” from Pia Toscano, Haley Reinhart and Thia Megia. I was in SHOCK that Pia actually moved around the stage. So her legs do actually work?

After that teenage dream was over, Ryan told Pia and Haley they were safe, while Thia was not. Aww. Poor babe. She looks like someone who is easily broken. It made me sad.

At this point I was extremely bored with the show and was just begging for some excitement. Instead of that, we got some filler by Ryan. We got to see how the mansion is falling apart because California doesn’t know how to build houses for the rain. Oh how when it rains, it pours, or the house collapses on you. Either way.

I got to LOL at Lauren falling down the stairs. Which is something she found embarrassing. I can hardly see why?! I mean, I do it on a daily basis… then again, I have no dignity. What do I know? OH and guess what? We got to see more of Casey’s save. **yawn**

Brace yourself. BRACE YOURSELF. Who was dueting next? The Four Stooges, Paul, Casey, James and Stefano. Wow, was that not the worst thing ever? I kinda loved it too. It really shows what they can’t do if they get famous. NO DUETS. It was like a circus. You have a Furry Yeti (Casey), Jaws (Paul), Koala (James) and some species of a Monkey (Stefano). It was beautiful.

After they’re done, Ryan informs them they’re all safe except for Paul. That makes my Bottom 3 predictions 2 for 3.

Will.i.Am performed with Jamie Foxx. Oh how horrible that was too. BRING BACK THE ZOO.

Down to real results.
Paul is safe!
Which means, Thia Megia and Naima Adedapo were voted off idol.

No shock. I’m happy Paul is still there. He makes me happy. He can’t go yet. =D

Annnnnnd… there’s nothing else to say. It was a lame show. I’m tired, so this is a lame article… but if you would like to read my Recap of Elton John Week – Go over there. That article was full of snarkiness.

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments in the comment section below.


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Tags: Voted Off Idol

16 responses so far ↓

  • 1 C Rohrs // Apr 1, 2011 at 9:41 am

    Great play by play of the show and very funny article…only thing more unbearable about the KFC song was her hair dont.

  • 2 Melissa // Apr 1, 2011 at 10:28 am

    Great article! I’ve never laughed so hard over readin what I missed. Bring back the zoo, indeed! LOL

  • 3 KV // Apr 1, 2011 at 10:29 am

    LOVE THE RECAP! You rocked it

  • 4 Tony // Apr 1, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Wow, such an intelligent writer, NOT! I wish I could get back the time it took me to read this so called article. It’s funny how people can make jokes and such about other people. Let’s see you get on stage and try to sing. Oh wait, you can’t sing. Hell, you can’t even write. Here’s a thought. Take your juvenile writing somewhere were it would be appreciated, say the Jersey Shore. What a moron…

  • 5 Jackie // Apr 1, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    I really enjoyed your recap…I was going to watch it on my DVR but you visualized it superbly. Bravo.

  • 6 Paul Andersen // Apr 1, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    What a great job writing. I agreed with most of what you said and enjoyed the rest. Now that there is 6 guys and only 3 girls, it’s time to sent the boys packing. . . for the next 3 weeks! I’m curious, do you read these comments?

  • 7 Cait // Apr 1, 2011 at 9:15 pm

    Right? What was up with that Corn On The Cop looking hair-due?

    Thank you! I think they would make a fine group… on the sidewalk.

    Thanks person!!!

    “Let’s see you get on stage and try to sing. Oh wait, you can’t sing.” – You’re right. So, why would I get up on stage and sing? These people WANT this as their career. I don’t. And I am a juvenile, at 16. Thank you!


    Yes. They have just been getting rid of the girls left and right. It’s sad. And of course I do. I love to see the haters, and non-haters. Mostly the haters though. They make my day for more than one reason. Thanks for stoppin’ by. I’ve seen you comment on some other stuff.

  • 8 Me // Apr 1, 2011 at 9:43 pm

    I find your comment about Fantasia’s song racist, considering you mention chicken and KFC and the song mentions neither. You clearly are referring to the stereotype that all black people eat is fried chicken? Instead the point of the song is about love so deep that it’s better than her mom’s cooking.

  • 9 Paul Andersen // Apr 2, 2011 at 1:54 am

    Thanks for responding to the comments. It means a lot to know my comments were noticed.

  • 10 JD // Apr 2, 2011 at 2:04 am

    I agree with a lot of what you say (especially Ryan’s creepy hair) but a duet is technically two people so the “Four Stoogies”, as you call them didn”t duet.

  • 11 Cait // Apr 2, 2011 at 2:37 am

    For all you know, I too, am black. Sooo. It’s all good.

    =D I try to respond when I can.

    You know, I looked at that, and was like, “You’re an idiot, Duet does not = 4.” But decided not to change it. Aha.

  • 12 Jeo // Apr 2, 2011 at 2:47 am

    i laughed so hard “What was Naima doing following Jacob around, when clearly he was running from her?”

  • 13 Me // Apr 2, 2011 at 12:09 pm

    You’re clearly not black () and you need to be more careful about the things you say. It was offensive and as such you should take responsibility and endeavor to do better. Thx!

  • 14 // Apr 2, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    hey, good article. ima follow you on twitter, key? (im )

  • 15 Cait // Apr 2, 2011 at 9:18 pm

    Thank you for getting me a follower. No. I am not black. However, it was last week I got told I was “racist against white people”… I’ve been called obese; I’ve been called everything opposite of what I am. It’s my job to have a sense of humor… some people get it, some people do not.

    You can follow the Idol twitter too if you’d like –

  • 16 Anonymous // Apr 7, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    With Pia getting voted off, I will boycott this show. She was the best one on there.

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