Who got voted off American Idol – American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol Auditions Go To Orlando

January 21st, 2010 -- by Cait -> · No Comments

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Well, this is the second night of the second week of American Idol. And I’m really hoping they’re almost done with the auditions… even though I know they’re not. *Crys*

They were in Orlando tonight, and gawd was I happy. I think they have gotten a few good people out of that place before. And anything had to be better than what they got out of that place they call, Chicago. *Gags*

Kristin Chenoweth was the guest judge, and that was cool because I like her. She has to be the tiniest thing aside from a midget I’ve ever seen. And I’m tiny, so that’s saying allot.

First up for the contestants AND whack jobs is, Theo Cliton: Wow, someone likes to wear some glitter… and glue things on their eyes (wtf?). It sang Pat Benatar… Whoa! Simon seemed to think he screamed allot, and I couldn’t agree more. Needless to say Glitter Boy/Girl didn’t make it.

The two girls, “annoyed the $*!+ out of Simon” – which is what he needs.

First emo story of the night was from, Seth Rollins: His son is Autistic, and he really wants to be able to pay for all the things his son needs. BTW, that is the cutest kid I’ve seen in a long time. OH EM GEE! He sang, “Someone to Watch Over Me” which seemed to be fitting for him. He was kinda boring, but he did make it to Hollywood.

There was allot of whacks, and some really boring ones. Nothing worth writing about.

But, the last one of the day was, Shelby Dressel: She was a pretty girl, who was born without being able to use the right side of her face. She sang, “Turn Me On” by Norah Jones. She was okay, but not the best. She did forget the words and cussed. I think that’s when the judges liked her. She got through.


Jay Stone: He was awesome. ‘Course, he was annoying, but cool. He Beat Boxed to the Beatles, and when he finally stopped that… he could actually sing too. Simon didn’t like him, but the other two did. He will be a lost cause, but, that’s okay.

They showed some cute chicks that had really awesome voices, they all made it through. Woooow, they have put more through already than they did in Chicago for the whole time.

Next up was, The Nut Cracker. Me forgetz his name, but I know that he did the splits, and I think his boys might have been crushed a little bit. Even though his pants ripped, he made it to Hollywood.

Bzzz, get your car started. Buzz like a bluebird. Do you know WTH I’m talking about? Yeah, well now you know how I feel when I was listening to Jarrod Norrell. He went on, and on… and because he loves “God” and wants to give it all to him… he sang “Amazing Grace”. Let me just tell you this, my BUTT makes better noises. He said he couldn’t leave when the judges turned him down. Yeah, that was until they put him in HANDCUFFS! Yo’ you be trippppppppiiiiiiinnnn. O_______O

Last of the coolness in Orlando was, Matt Lawrence: The hardcore trouble maker. Yeah, he’s so hardcore he robbed a bank with a BEBE gun. Ooooooo, whaaaa? Yeah, GANSTA! Needless to say he went to jail for 4 years. Ha! Gawd, that guy was so big… and he had a pretty good voice. He made it through. W00t.

Tonight was soooo much better than last night in Suckville. 31 people made it through. Yaaay!

Guess what city’s next? LA!!!!! Get ready for fake boobz, fake hair… fake nails… Heidi Montage perhaps?

Cait Hagar

Be sure to check out Jebbica’s Recap and Liz’z Recap


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