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Greatest American Dog Laura and Preston

June 24th, 2008 ·

Greatest American Dog Laura and Preston

About Laura

Laura experienced the loss of a parent early on when her mother succumbed to breast cancer. Laura was just 6, and she was raised by her doting father. Laura knew what she wanted to do early in life, so at the tender Greatest American Dog Laura and Prestonage of 17, she passed up an Ivy League scholarship and hit the road for LA to pursue her dream of appearing both on film and behind the scenes producing..

Laura has done just that over the years by acting and producing a series of independent films, TV projects, music videos and commercials.  “Alpha Dog.” , was her last film project.

Laura indentifies ” Preston “Casanova” as her assistant on sets. He is her inspiration for all the many positives in her life. She carries him along most places..

Laura is a lovely young lady, packed full of femininity, but is also a self-described tomboy. Adrenaline combined with adventure envelops her life. Laura has ambitious personality and a loving nature which make her a very happy person. She detests shopping, diets, clubbing, but loves politics, science and technology. She’s adamant about living her life while spreading the love while she goes. Both Laura and Preston are involved in many worthwhile charitable organizations.

Laura is currently single and lives in Los Angeles, Calif. Her birth date is October 16, 1980.  Laura is 27 years old.

About Preston

Preston “Casanova”  is an adorable Pomeranian who possesses both looks and smarts. He loves the beach, attractive the ladies, and spending quality time with Laura. Born the runt of the litter isn’t always a bad thing. Preston is fluent in over 100 words and phrases (in English and some in Spanish). When not employed on a project, he devotes his life to making people happy and is a certified therapy dog volunteer

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