American Idol
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American Idol Season 10 Begins Janurary 2011
The American Idol Season 9 winner is: Lee Dewyze
The American Idol Season 8 winner is: Chris Allen
The American Idol Season 7 winner is: David Cook
Vivid Seats is a ticket marketplace offering American Idols Live tickets. View their inventory of concert tickets for leading musicians including Lady Gaga tickets for her current national tour.
American Idol returns for a 10th season and promises to be the biggest season to date. It all begins January 2011 with a double premiere. Idolites can expect this season to began with the normal highs and lows as Randy, and new judges Steven Tyler & Jennifer Lopez weed through grueling days trying to find the scattered performers ( a term used loosely) that actually have talent.
Each contestant is vying for that lucrative recording contract, and the supreme title of American Idol. Well, what exactly is all the hype about? Historically speaking, the AE winner has had dismal actual album sales compared to the mind-blowing viewer ship of the program. In fact, the runners-up in some cases have actually outsold and out-performed the winner and supposed "fan favorite". One may wonder if the voting system on American Idol could be as flawed as the infamous "butterfly ballot" in the presidential election that caused Al Gore to have a "Mariah Carey type meltdown." Will we have another Sanjaya Malakar Season of idiocy?
If polled mid-year of Season 5 as to which contestant would be producing top selling albums, the vote would have seemed easy and wouldn't be questioned. It was pretty much a given that most would have said Chris Daughty.
Vegas odds said Chris Daughtry would become Season Five's American Idol. Daughtry's getting ousted, amidst all the hype and the Fuel offers, was hands down the season shocker within the entire television season. The analytic brain quickly determines that there was almost an over-hype when it came to Daughtry. His heavy rock lyrics and even heavier black eyeliner isn't what you think of when you think of past American Idol crowned winners. Katherine McPhee and and the fans of the one and only "soul patrolling" Taylor Hicks definitely resemble more of your typical pop star that Idol fans tend to favor.
However, keeping all of this in perspective, some speculate that certain websites are the cause, and that some even claim thousands of votes. Only their voting influences are against the favorites. The most talked-about site labeled, is the creation of webmaster David Della Terza. A review of season five details this sites entire process from nomination, promotion, and subsequent celebration of VFTW's runner-up's in the making. Most obviously they encourage Idolites who visit the to site to, of course, "vote for the worst."
In addition to trying to sway the vote they also participate in commentaries and dabble in the tabloid-like gossip. They exposed Kellie Pickler's lovable dumb-blonde routine by revealing details in her past that were in direct contrast to the naive hick chick character American was growing to love in a "Return to Mayberry" type style.
Another growing theory that needs to be addressed is the development of the auto dialing biz This program publicly reveals each contestants phone line popularity. Busy signals equate to the summation that contestant is fairing well, therefore the program will automatically dials for the contestant who appears to receiving the the fewest votes and complete with speed-dial. Based on the technology, the data collected from Dialidol was used to predict the outcomes of all the elimination shows. DialIdol had a massively high accuracy rate.
So with the 8th season of American Idol starting on 1-13-2009, the question remains -- is this truly a valid singing competition or just another clever ruse to engage viewers in a show whose outcome can be predicted way in advance. Most importantly is the winner truly the winner or really just the underdog being assisted through biased websites and superb technology. Guess we'll just have to watch, and be the judges ourselves.
After weeks of months of auditions thoughout the country and 164 people being invited to the Hollywood round. American Idol Judges have come up with the top 36 this year instead of 24. These male and female contesting via for your vote and the final American Idol winner.
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