Who got voted off American Idol – American Idol 2011 Season 10

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American Idol 10: Top 24 Results Recap

February 25th, 2011 -- by CaitHagar -> · 6 Comments

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American Idol’s “green mile” can be a long, hard road for the contestants. Of course, the same can be said for viewers … when it’s four freakin’ hours long. JEEZUS!

We all know how horrible Wednesday’s show was. Two hours of horrible, badly edited clips. Hardly ANY performances… it really looked like the shows “makers” if you will, we’re tired, and just trying to make something out of it. Thursday, we sat through two more hours of the same. For those of you who’ve been following the Idol spoilers, there were no surprises, but for the rest of you, this show full of fake-outs and dramatic-ness might have been bearable.

Anyway, here is my recap of the night. Pardon my lack of give-a-damn as I was dreading the whole thing. However, just a side note; I am freakin’ stoked for next week. YESSSSS!

The show started out with the last part of J-Lo’s mental breakdown after having to let pimped up auditioner, Chris Medina go. Of course, it was actually pretty sad. I mean, that guy seems to be a genuine dude and I really do wish him and Juliana luck. But, after J-Lo composes herself, were on with the show…

Now, I’m not going to tell you what the judges said, because it was basically the same thing for all of them, and just a crap load of fake-outs.

Karen Rodriguez | She pinned up that mop on her head and looked like a real person. Which was cool, because she just reminded me of some creature out of the movie Labyrinth. She made it into the Top 24.

Robbie Rossen | I love this kid. He is awesome. I mean, look at that nose, how could you not love him? He made it into the Top 24.

Tatynisa Wilson | The judges beat around the damn bush with this one. But, she got through, nonetheless. This lyrically challenged chick will surely not make it long. I think they should have left that spot open for someone else. What were they thinking?

Brittney Mizurre and Jimmy Allen | These two got told no. Aww. I’m sad. Oh wait, I’m not, because I have no clue who they even were. Bam.

Tim Halperin | This guy preformed an original song during his last little mini audition after Vegas. I thought that was cool. They really need some actual artist that can write all their own stuff. Not go all J-Lo on it and just “do” what others tell them. Ya’ know? He made it to the Top 24. I like him.

Julie Zorrilla | Ahh, this girl is cute. That is all. She made it through to the Top 24. But, I don’t think she’ll make it very far. Oh well.

Scotty McCreery | He is supposedly ¼ Porte Rican. And that’s exactly what his Mother told him to tell J-Lo. Goooood to know. MOVING ON. This guy actually memorized another song for his performance, which is good. I think he’s taking it way more seriously now. And he made it into the Top 24.

Jovany Barreto | This guy needs to go try out for Chippendale’s or something… because he really doesn’t belong on the Idol stage. I just can’t stand him for some reason. He can sing pretty well though. And the judges also think that, as they put him into the Top 24. Meh.

Lauren Turner | I can never remember her. Ugh! I hate that. But, she made it into the Top 24. I bet she’s gone within the first week.

Erin Kelly and Taiwan Strong | These two did not make it into the Top 24. Good. I have no clue who they are.

Rachel Zevita | Remember her? The girl with the Ryan Secrest infatuation? Yeah… well, while Ryan was making the moves on her GRANDMOTHER, she had to go get judged. I wonder if she got jealous? Hmmmm. Anywho, she made it into the Top 24. She has a cool voice. I think she might be the next Kitten Killer this year, since Ashley didn’t make it.

Kendra Wilkinson | Um… what’s up with all these people I can never remember? She just looks like she would be an annoying girlfriend that is never happy. She made it into the Top 24. Great…

Jordan Dorsey | I dislike this extremely tall dude. I really do. And in reality, he’s not that talented. But, apparently the judges like him, so he made it into the Top 24. Oh, whatever.

Lauren Alaina | This cutie came out in the most epic dress ever. As a matter of fact, she had it specialty made for her. HOW COOL! Of course, she made it into the Top 24. But the judges had to try and fake it out, which almost gave her heart attack. She’ll win.

Stefano Langone | Ugh. This guy. Whatever. He got into the Top 24.

Jackie Wilson | Ahh, right. This chick was the one with the hundred year old boyfriend. Yeah, well, she didn’t make it. But, that’s good. Because her BF needs someone to help him eat and change his diapers.

Jacob Lusk | WHEW! Doesn’t this dude just made you happy when you see him? This funk soul brotha (I felt cool saying that) made it into the Top 24. I don’t think he’ll win. But he does add some pizazz. W00t.

Pia Toscano | Who is she? I have no ideaaaaa. But, she made it to the Top 24.

James Durbin | I’m aware that NO ONE on this blog, but me, likes him, but I don’t care. He’s cool. And he made it into the Top 24. Which I knew he would… So, Screw all ya’ll.

Casey Abrams | He also made it into the Top 24. While celebrating the news, he proceeded to kick the chair off of the stage. Ahh, well that’s a different attitude from his earlier performance while attempting to be “SEXY”. I LIKE IT! Anyway, he’s cool.

Now we were down to just a few contestants left. There was one spot for the Girls left, so they had Thia Megia and Jessica Cunningham there. One was going through, one, wasn’t. Jessica was being a naggy little wench and talking too much about how it’s her Birthday and whatever. So, the judges should put her through. Oh shut up. Poor Thia had to be like, “It’s not my Birthday, but I’m not a b*tch. Whew.” After all of that, Thia made it, and Jessica (who has tried out 7 times) just flipped the camera off.

Same for the guys, just one spot left, and while Brett argued with Ryan that there were two spots left… reality was, there was only one. And three boys; Jacee, Brett and Colton. Who was making it through? BRETT! Whew. Jacee was, of course, sad. But that kid will get another chance.

What did you guys think of tonight? Who did you hope would make it? Leave your comments below.

Cait Hagar


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6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jebbica // Feb 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    “while Ryan was making the moves in her GRANDMOTHER”…that just sounds obscene. :p And I think Kendra Wilkinson is the chick from Playboy. Though it would be funny if she were on Idol and just did her stupid “huhuhuhuh” laugh for every song. I liked your comment on Jackie. And that you’re a spring chicken but you know “Funk Soul Brotha”. You rock.

  • 2 No karaoke // Feb 25, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    So you say the show’s makers were too tired to put out a quality show? And were you too tired to spell check before posting this?

  • 3 Casey Ja-a-a-a-m-e-s // Feb 25, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    No Karaoke, she probably was really tired, but keep in mind some people may be younger than you think. Plus, if you actually read the post there is only one misspelling that isn’t intentional. There were a couple of places where she did use the wrong word, which is easy to do when you are tired or in a rush. Maybe you never make any slips like this, but you would probably be the first .

    Good Job, Cait.

  • 4 Jebbica // Feb 25, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Karaoke…hey, I know you! Nathan calls me on misspellings on here all the time. It’s hard to catch them when you’re typing 90 miles a minute trying to write everything down as it happens. I try to go back in and edit mine out but most of the time the damage has already been done. I also always miss half of what’s going on and Nathan has to tell me who is whom because I don’t remember. But anyway, James Durbin sucks. End of story.

  • 5 CaitHagar // Feb 25, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    No, that was her last name, wasn’t it? It said that on another blog too. Maybe I’m messed up. I have no clue. =D

    I’m sorry Noname, I guess writing over 1k words leads to me having misspellings. But, to answer your question, yes. I did that JUST to tick you off.

    Thanks. I do need to pay attention more, but re-reading it a few times just turns it into a jumbled mess in my brain.

  • 6 CaitHagar // Feb 25, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    That is all.

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