American Idol 2011 Season 10 | Who got voted off American Idol

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Entries from July 2009

Simon Cowell Joins Up With Peta to Help Dogs

July 26th, 2009 · No Comments

Well, maybe you guys heard about the story of a man who auditioned for American Idol this year in Denver and ending up leaving his doggie in the car, where it over heated and died. I know this is extremely sad for any animal lovers.
Idol judge Simon Cowell decided to join up with Peta again [...]


Tags: Simon Cowell

Our Dear Friend Alexis Cohen Found Dead?

July 25th, 2009 · 2 Comments

This is sad.
Alexis Cohen was more or less a star on this website.  In fact, she and I had struck up quite a rapport over the past two years, her sending me her thoughts, stories, and exclusives.  I was trying to book her gigs in Pennsylvania, and there was talks of me being her manager/agent.  [...]


Tags: Alexis Cohen