Bucky Covington Former Idol Reaches Billboard Heights
Former “American Idol” finalist, Bucky Covington, notched his way up to the # 4 spot on the Billboard 200 charts. His debut CD, Bucky Covington, and his hit single, “A Different World,” alos made it as high as # 22 on the singles chart.
An “American Idol” Contestant during [...]
Entries from April 2007
Bucky Covington Former Idol Reaches Billboard Heights
April 30th, 2007 · No Comments
Tags: Bucky Covington · Ex-American Idols
64 Year Old Sherman Pore to Release Ablum
April 30th, 2007 · 2 Comments
Remember back in the American Idol Audition process we were introduced to one, Sherman Pore. He was the older gentleman that had a signed petition because of his age, to attempt to audition for American Idol. He made it on TV and made a big impact with the story about his Lady Love.
Now sixty-four year [...]
Tags: Sherman Pore